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CReW Macros: Difference between Label Block Until Done and Parallel Block Until Done


Hi Everyone,


I wonder if anyone can tell me the difference between Label Block Until Done and Parallel Block Until Done in CReW macros?


Thank you so much.


20 - Arcturus
20 - Arcturus



The Labelled Block Until Done essentially is a "Block Until Done" tool.  It takes a stream of data and doesn't allow any data to exit the tool until all incoming data has been read.  Once it reads 100% of the data, it sends all of the data through Output Anchor #1.  When all of the data is sent through that anchor, it sends the same data through Output Anchor #2.


The Parallel Block Until Done is a different beast.  It can control two (2) streams of data.  It will similarly read all of Input Anchor #1 and then output the data but will not begin the output of Anchor #2 until all of the output from Anchor #1 has been passed through the macro.


If you are writing data to two (2) different sheets in an Excel file and want to try to avoid a write error, you might want to use this macro.  I'd use the 1st anchor for the "smaller" set of data.  Within Alteryx this is one of the few ways to cause certain processes to run before others.





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Precise and clear! Thank you so much @MarqueeCrew for your help.



Within Alteryx this is one of the few ways to cause certain processes to run before others.

Could you precise please what ways are you talking about?




This did not work for me. Any other suggestions? Here's part of my workflow where I append the sheet name and generate a path after formulas have been added. I am using directory with dynamic input tool to bring in the data and writing based on a path calculated from a formula.Div Inc Output.PNG
