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Blocking and resuming the Alteryx workflow based on a button in a pop-up message

6 - Meteoroid

Hi All,


I'm looking for a way in Alteryx to run specific containers and create an output, after which I would like the workflow to stop, produce a pop-up message with the option to click a button, through which the remaining containers can be run. 


Basically, the first container will produce an Excel output, which will have some cells that will have to be populated manually by the user and then, this output will have to be used as input for the remaining containers. To make this happen, the workflow must be stopped, Alteryx must produce a pop-up message with the possibility of clicking a button through which the workflow start again and run the remaining containers.

Is there any way to achieve this?


Thanks in advance!


17 - Castor
17 - Castor

Hey @danbzz,

Think you want something like this:


The check box turns on of off what is in the contain from being run.




17 - Castor

Unless I'm mistaken, this sounds like a case for a chained app, as you'll need the user input as well as result of the first run to then complete further work. There's a great interactive lesson on setting these up:


And a further information thread in the knowledge base:

6 - Meteoroid

Hi @DataNath, that's exactly what I was looking for. Thanks!
