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Big Txt file

Hello everyone, new Alteryx user here 🤗

I have to make a workflow with a txt file (that is already space delimited) and that is 2million rows and 20 columns long. 

When I make it slide from my folder to the worflow, it says that the format is not known.. 

When I slide the data input tool, select txt format and then my file, I select csv, and whether I choose space separated or any other type of delimitator, I have a result, but is only 3 columns and 868 000 rows. 

I tried to convert the txt file with excel, but it only counts until 1 050 000 rows, so it only half solved my problem (or not at all). 

Does anyone ever faced this problem ? 

Thank you if you read that all, and if you have the solution, feel free to help me 😊

Wish you all a nice day, 


9 - Comet

Hi Valentin,
Would you have a sample of the file you are trying to import? 

Hello, I am sorry but I can't share with you a sample of the file... 

Do you have an idea to help me without sharing a sample ? 


9 - Comet

It is hard to tell without the sample, because looks like you are facing an expecting issue while parsing it, so there are few things to check while importing it like:
- Is the delimiter what you expect it is? Sometime it can be a special character similar to the one you as expecting
- Does the all rows follows the same rule?
- What encoding is being used?

All those things will make more sense to check knowing what the data looks like, otherwise it is just a shot in the dark.

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Thank you again for your reply, yes all the rows follows the same rule, I think I used all the kinds of delimeter (even the "others" case). However, I am not sure I understand well what you means with the encoding. 

6 - Meteoroid

Hello, you could try reading it as a fixed width text file and manually adjusting where you wish your columns to be.

19 - Altair

there are no problems brining a 2mm/20 column csv into alteryx. your issue is the underlying data schema and how you are mapping it. First off - turn off amp. second ignore error warnings on csv in input data. third - set /n as your only delimiter (or /0 if that doesn't work. see how many records it brings in.
