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Batch Macro - write to Sharepoint list in batches

5 - Atom

Hi Community,
This is my very first post and I'm quite new to Alteryx so please bare with me if this was answered before.

I know batch macros have been discussed back and forth here but I haven't been able to get this to work alone and by studying the discussion in the community, it might be quite easy, though.

I'm having a dataset of about 800 items which need to be written to a Sharepoint list using the Sharepoint Output tool.
This works from time to time but I often get timeouts and errors from the Sharepoint tool, I assume mainly because of the slow Sharepoint API.
In order to circumvent this problem I try to split the rite to the Sharepoint list into batches. I therefore tried the following.


Input = 800 items to be written to a Sharepoint list
Add a Record ID to get unique records for each items
Add a formula tool able to split into batches of 100 by adding a batch column with this formula: "CEIL([RecordID]/100)"
Feed this into a batch macro with "batch" as the control parameter. Batch has numbers from 1-8 associated to the 800 items.
Macro: I try to use the unique tool to split the input based on the batch column but I'm failing.

I guess I'm doing something quite basic wrong, maybe the "Control GroupBy" which I used the batch column for.




Any help is greatly appreciated.


Thanks and best regards,


16 - Nebula

why is unique tool used should it not be a filter tool based on your requirement

5 - Atom

Hi Raj,


Yes indeed I now used a filter tool like this.

[Batch] = batch


Still this doesn't really work as I'm struggling to really access the batch coming from the control parameter. 
Easy problem I think :-(




5 - Atom

Thanks for the hint. With the filter tool I got this to work and processing in batches is done.

The next problem is that the Sharepoint Output tool is having problems to "Upsert". I always receive a "Error in adding list items" error.

Any overwrite seems to work but is defeating the purpose of batch wise processing as it always deletes the list completly.

So currently still stuck even if the initial problem is solved.


Overall the Sharepoint tools doesn't seem to be very stable which is quite frustrating.

I also tried all the different version of the Sharepoint tools but looks like my companies installation only supports tools until version 2.4.1.
If I try the newer connectors I always get bad request errors indicating they use different API calls.


Any help is still very appreciated.


