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Batch Macro update date

8 - Asteroid

I have multiple filter and formula tool  in workflow with date which has to be updated; basically first date of every month for every consecutive run. So I am using control parameter and update value action to do this. However batch macro is unionising records of output after every run which i dont want is there a way to achieve this? (the date was being changed manually earlier and now it is changing dynamically so a lot of calculations in the workflow are based on earlier flow that why i dont need the union part to be happening)

17 - Castor
17 - Castor

Please provide relevant data to this use case, and kindly provide your criteria in as much detail as possible. If you have a workflow built halfway, kindly export that over as well. To export a workflow go to: Options > Export Workflow. Kindly do NOT send a "Save As" copy.

Calvin Tang
Alteryx ACE
8 - Asteroid

since the data is sensitive, I wanted to ask is there any way in which batch macro can be run but without unioning the output results that is with every run i want the results of that run only and not that of the previous run attached with it!

17 - Castor
17 - Castor

Not sure why you need a batch macro... why can't you just group by the months and get min values of dates to get the file of your liking? I have trouble visualizing your request - hence the reason for providing data / workflow. If the data is sensitive, the least you can do is provide dummy data relevant to your use case!


It helps us visualize better - who knows, we may provide a better solution alternate to what you're doing.

Calvin Tang
Alteryx ACE
8 - Asteroid

So this is one of the filter tools and  similarly formula fields are present in the workflow and I need to pass dates like 2023-01-01 for first run, 2023-02-01 for second run, 2023-03-01 for third and so on until last month however this process needs to happen on its own dynamically without me having to change the date at every tool for every run!

20 - Arcturus

@omkarshinde @Batch macro works similar to union tool, what is the expected result you are looking for Once it read the first batch of records ? 

8 - Asteroid

I just want the workflow to run for each first date of month that is 2023-01-01 for first run 2023-02-01 for second and so on until we reach current month. However I have many calculations based YTD MTD level after this thats why i dont want the union part of batch macro! @binuacs @caltang 

17 - Castor
17 - Castor

Maybe let's get back to basics - what is it that you're trying to do with your data? Maybe Batch macro isn't the best way - explain to us and maybe we can help provide an alternative. Otherwise I do not have enough information to help you.

Calvin Tang
Alteryx ACE
8 - Asteroid

I want to my filter my data monthwise in one click for every run, that is the only ask i have magic calculations and  other manipulations which would be running after the filter tool.
As of now, I am manually changing the date 20 times for 20 tools for single month thats why i want to automate this process.
I want dynamic changing of dates in these filter tools

20 - Arcturus

@omkarshinde one option is to write your all calculations inside the batch macro, then let it union your results, once you have the final output you can do the rest
