Our Gallery isn't connected directly to our HR system. So, when an employee is terminated their access is not revoked from the gallery. I can connect to our HR system to check for terminated employees and I know how to read from the MongoDB to get the user's info(Alteryx Gallery Database and users collection).
What I don't know how to do is WRITE to the mongoDB to revoke the users access. I'm guessing I would want to change the following fields to "False"
Active, CanSchedule, CanSetPriority, CanSetWorkerTag,CanCreateCollections and set AccountLocked to True? Is that correct? If so, how can we write to the MongoDB?
Hey @csh8428
I guess this topic should be moved to the Server Discussions forum.
But anyway, I think this specific problem could be solved in the new API v3 released with Server 21.4
These endpoints seem to provide some flexibility on deactivating and removing users from the Gallery. Of course there are probably some limitations associated with the Authentication type you have in your Gallery, but it's worth to check.
I wouldn't recommend updating MongoDB without Alteryx Support's supervision.