Alteryx Designer Desktop Discussions

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Alteryx Tool Configuration Settings

10 - Fireball

I was providing an internal training today on Alteryx and received an interesting question on the tool configuration settings.  Is there a way to increase the overall size of the content within a given tool's configuration?  As in similar to the zoom in and out feature on the canvas?


For example, in the Formula tool I know you can increase the font size within the expression editor by using your mouse and the CTRL key.  But what about adjusting the size of everything else such as the expression editor icons, column headings, etc.


Thank you.

11 - Bolide
11 - Bolide

I do not believe this is possible, no. At least, I am not seeing it anywhere within the technical product documentation, nor is there any obvious way I can see this being done within Designer.


That said, a user could always adjust the screen resolution / zoom in % within Windows settings, which would impact all applications including Alteryx.

17 - Castor
17 - Castor

There's a handful of places where the user can zoom the text like the Formula, Filter, and other custom expression fields. It's also possible when using the query editor inside an input tool. The current applications are here and there, and it's quick to test each field you're working in. Otherwise, you're back to Windows zoom/scale/display setting. 

10 - Fireball

Thank you @CharlieS and @joshbennett .


I appreciate the responses.
