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Alteryx Output: BAK Files

5 - Atom

I have several workflows in Alteryx that run relatively similar flows, but each is for a different business unit. These workflows generate several Excel outputs. I noticed that only one of the workflows is generating BAK files along with one of the Excel outputs. Based on what I’ve read about this file type, this file is archiving workflows prior to the most recent edit/save--is this correct? I've made multiple updates to all workflows this period and only one workflow generates BAK files. Does anyone know why this would occur with only one workflow? Ideally, I do not need these “archives” as this takes up space on the shared drive and causes some duplication of data in the workflow if I do not delete the backup files or filter out the file. Is there a way to prevent BAK files from being generated in the first place?

11 - Bolide

Are your .BAK files that you're generating for the workflow (.yxmd/etc) or the Excel output? 


I get BAK files both when I save a newer workflow version without changing the file name as well as if I'm overwriting an output file. 


For ex, if I have MyAmazingWorkflow.yxmd and Save As'd it to MyAmazingWorkflowv2.yxmd, that wouldn't generate a .BAK file. 


I also get .BAK files if I'm overwriting an output file -> if I run a workflow, generate Output.xlsx, re-run the workflow, and overwrite Output.xlsx, I'll also get Output.BAK. For that one, I can change the extension to .xlsx and it will open in Excel. But if I deleted Output.xlsx before re-running the workflow, I won't get a .BAK file. 

21 - Polaris
21 - Polaris

@natapea @Carolyn 
Based on test, when I use the option "Overwrite Sheet or Range" option in Output tool, the .bak file of Excel will generate.
When I use "Overwrite File (Remove)" option, the .bak file will NOT generate.

And it seems that there is no option to turn off the generating .bak file feature at this point, although some one is requesting the option to turn it off.
and there is a workaround also.



14 - Magnetar

Hi, @natapea 


As long as you use the Output tool to generate an Excel file(except for the Overwrite or Remove file option), it will also generate a Bak file with the same name in the same path, which is the protection mechanism of Designer, but if there is already a Bak file with the same name in your current path, then after re-running the workflow, it does not seem to generate a new Bak file, but in fact the file has been replaced. So, if you don't need the Bak files, you may need to use other tools or scripts to delete these temp Bak files.
