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Action Update Value Replace a specific string does not work for Query Input Data


I'm using a directory, filled with text files that reflect historical records for a repeating process, as a searchable area. Each week another instance of this process occurs and we're creating a text file of all of the instances. This is a macro where other users can enter in the Agent ID and get results showing every instane where a person was on the file.  The input on my workflow search through this folder and identifies every instance where a specific person was on the file [Agent ID].

I'm using the Action tool to replace the default value of 0000000001 and am getting no results, using an Agent ID that I know is on one of these files. When I manually enter that same ID into my filter tool and disconnect the Action tool, I get expected results.


What the he!! am I doing wrong? :)


Thanks, in advance



If you are using under operand , operand-value to be replaced , then no need to specify the option to replace the string. Just remove that option and filter should work fine .


Thanks but that's no bueno.


I'm attaching a sample output from the Data Cleansing tool immediately prior to the Filter where I'm performing the replace function so you can run this WF if you want.

Here's what my Action config panel looks like, based upon your suggestion, but still yielded no results:


Action Replace tool.png





17 - Castor
17 - Castor

Hi @rob_lawson 


Check the "Replace a specific string" option at the bottom.

Leave only the agent ID number: 1234567890 - that's what you need to replace.


Oh, another thing - Use CUSTOM Filter option when you're updating values from Filter Tool. Basic Filter always brings me headaches.




I've Highlighted "Expression - value...." and "Operand - value...." both (separately) and have selected Replace a specific string using values "1234567890" and 1234567890.

Filter is [Agent ID] = "1234567890" (also tried removing quotes).


All have generated the ID I am searching for - 0000000101 - in the False tabe of the filter. Should kick out in the True tab.

17 - Castor
17 - Castor



Change Basic Filter to CUSTOM FILTER. Select the EXPRESSION. Replace ONLY the agent ID number. See pictures below:







Run it as an app by clicking on the magic wand. Don't forget that as well.








Sometimes the problem is not that one has programmed the WF incorrectly.....

Sometimes it's that one is using  Run.png instead of      Wand.png.



Thanks for the remedial instruction :)



17 - Castor
17 - Castor

@rob_lawson  no problem, I'm glad everything worked out for the best and at the end you learned something! 
