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Alteryx Designer Cloud Discussions

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what are the feature available in alteryx designer and not available in Designer cloud?

8 - Asteroid

Please could you list down the features that are available in Alteryx Designer but not in Designer Cloud.

Especially am looking for :-

1.Command Line Interface (CLI)  tool

2.In-Database Tools

3.Predictive Tools

4.Data Profiling tools

5.R Tool and Python Tool


How do I migrate my Alteryx Designer Workflows to Designer Cloud, if I am using these tools in Alteryx Designer.





Alteryx Community Team
Alteryx Community Team

Hi @preethisisaac, this help documentation has the latest list of all of the tools in Designer Cloud: There is also a list of workflow functions: 


There isn't a way to migrate workflows from Designer Desktop to Cloud. But for workflows that use predictive tools, Alteryx Machine Learning could be a good solution for moving to the cloud. 



Hi @preethisisaac:

Right now, the core tools from Designer Desktop are available in Designer Cloud (tools from the In/Out (3), Preparation (10), Join (4), Parse (3), Transformation (6)  groups)

Take a look at the Alteryx Machine Learning Platform (