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The Trifacta Wrangler launcher freeze after the authentification (three dots loading page), any idea ? I'm on Windows 10 and launch tha app as admin. No problem during the installation. Haven't found any log file ... Thanks Eric

8 - Asteroid

Hi Eric,

I had similar issues and turned out there have been a slew of of issues in the name of security :)

  • Make sure that you don't launch it via the Metro UI, these are sandboxed. Make sure to launch it from the desktop
  • Make sure DEP and any add-blockers are disabled
  • Make sure your security team does not prohibit Chrome extensions from being executed. This was a restriction I ran into.
  • Make sure the Trifacta engine components can be downloaded Trifacta Support was awesome, they send me a link. Acces , it will try to download the components outside of


Was a wee bit lengthy, but I had to deal with the above listed issues, since my company had hardened environments.


Hope that helps

10 - Fireball

clear your chrome history and close and try again..

Hi, thanks for your answers,


Chrome history > all cleared

Launch from desktop > ok

No add blocker > ok

DEP > ON > trying to disable it for chrome

I tried the link, seems good (loading 100%)


I think it's a security problem with Chrome extensions, i'll check that and i hope to come back with the solution :)


Thanks again




OK thank you for your help,


I tried install it as admin but doens't works.


It turns out that even with the administrator rights on my laptop, free Trifacta Wrangler tool needs to be installed with the local admin account.


Thank you again,
