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Alteryx Designer Cloud Discussions

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Opening yxmd/yxzp files

5 - Atom

Hello all,


I've completed the Interactive lessons for Designer Cloud, which I found to be very informative and helpful in learning the functionality and tools of the platform. Before taking the certification exam, I decided to try some of the weekly challenges. I've been able to complete some, but many of the challenges offer only .yxmd or .yxzp file types as starting files. When attempting to upload these files into Designer Cloud using the Import Data tool, I am met with an error stating "Designer Cloud Powered by Trifacta does not support uploading folders or binary files:"


Am I missing something, or unaware of a way to upload these files into Designer Cloud?

15 - Aurora

Hi @ybangou ,


.yxmd and .yxzp are proprietary file type for Alteryx Desktop Designer.

You can open .yxxp as a zipped file.


You can extract the input data and expected output data from .yxzp and upload them to your Designer Cloud.


If the input data is directly embedded in .yxmd file, it may be difficult to get it.

(I would not say it is "impossible", but you may need to hack the xml structure inside the file...)

5 - Atom

Thank you! This answer makes sense