Hi @MK97pro,
I was just looking at older questions without answers and saw this one. I think for sure you will have more luck asking on the Designer Desktop section, this one is more dedicated to Alteryx Designer (Cloud version) specifically.
With that said I will give you my 2 cents. My first question would be, where is this file? Is it on a shared drive, Sharepoint, google drive, etc.
The answer will greatly vary depending on that. But overall it will be yes somehow you can get to it with Server its just about using the right access and connector for it.
In terms of using powershell to execute a script, yes this is also possible but requires admin to allow "Run Command". You can even load the script to the Server that is running your gallery then point that to run your powershell script or anything else really. This has been answered many times on the Designer Desktop section so I encourage you to search there too.
I hope this was helpful, best of luck! :)