Congratulations to @MarqueeCrew, @NicoleJohnson, @jdunkerley79, @SeanAdams, and @Joe_Mako!
Thank you for leading by example, by not only providing kick-ass solutions and thoughtful feedback, but for fostering the collaborative spirit of our Community in everything that you do.
Top Star Authors
- @MarqueeCrew 111
- @NicoleJohnson 56
- @SeanAdams 55
Check out where YOU rank in the Stars leaderboard
Top Solution Authors
- @MarqueeCrew 26
- @jdunkerley79 22
- @Joe_Mako & @NicoleJohnson (tied at 19!)
Check out where YOU rank in the solutions leaderboard
For this month’s wildcard category, I figured it was only fitting to highlight the few who made it across the bergshrund crevasse by successfully completing 75 weekly challenges! If you don't what I'm talking about, you can learn more by visiting the Weekly Challenge Index & Welcome page.
First Ascenders - the Bergschrund Crevasse
- @SeanAdams
- @NicoleJohnson
- @LordNeilLord
Congrats for being the first in Alteryx Community history to ascend these daring ice fields with such dangerous knowledge 😉
Last but not least, I wanted to give a special shout out to @SeanAdams for sharing some tips on how to post to the community for the quickest possible path to a solution. If you've run into a problem, and aren't really sure how or where to ask the community for help, I'd encourage you to check out Sean's guide: Posting for the fastest possible solution!
As always, thank you for sharing your knowledge and skills with the community!
Be sure to check back each month as we continue to celebrate our top contributors!