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Alteryx Analytics Cloud Product Ideas

Share your Alteryx Analytics Cloud product ideas, including Designer Cloud, Intelligence Suite and more - we're listening!

We need a custom viewer role so that user is able only to use connections shared to him, but not re-share those connections to others. In our case, admin will set up the connections for users and they will just use them. Users should not be able to create or share connections. This will improve the connection security and access to data.

I'm looking for a way to discover which datasets, recipes, or outputs are taking up the most time and resources.

it would also be nice if we were able to view this over time as well.

an example would be sometime like the Unity3d profiler.

this is for a video game engine, but i hope the system can be similar.

in this profiler you can see what resource (ram,cpu, gpu) is being used and by what character/object in your video game.

similarly it would be nice to see what database is being used by what flow in trifacta.

It would be great if you can expand the metadata selection to not be limited to 2 elements (row number and file path) but could potentially add the date timestamp (e.g. $datecreated) to be used in the recipes.

Current syntax for WORKDAY function is workday(date1,numDays,[array_holiday]), and the array_holiday can't be a column a table, for example when there's any unpredictable non-trading days like Typhoon weather, we always need to go and change the public holidays in recipe, would prefer if the holidays can be from a column in a table that we can just import and update the table when needed.

Create a connector to Mavenlink.

If a flow is shared between multiple editors and someone make changes in it, there should be a way we can see all the changes made to that flow by different users, like creating a trigger that will notify the users about the changes made in the flow by someone as soon as the recipe changes or if we can extract the information about the flow or the job. I have attached the snippet of data that can be useful to us.

We at Grupo Boticário, who currently have 13k Dataprep licenses and close to the official launch internally, have noticed a recurring request for a translation of the tool. Bearing in mind that it will be an enabler for more users to use in their day-to-day work, I would like to formalize and reinforce the importance of our request for translation into Brazilian Portuguese as well as a forecast of this improvement.

Current NIST/NSA standard is SHA-2.

As a data wrangler, I would like to be able to hash a column's data using the SHA-256 hashing algorithm.

We can migrate flows from one environment to other environment using Trifacta APIs.

Export and Import the flow from source to target.

Rename the flow.

Share flow with appropriate user according to environment.

Change the input and output of the flow.

Currently, If there is use-case that the data needs to brought from tables resting in different databases of a same cluster. We have to create n connections for n databases.

But being in same cluster, one should be able to access different databases with a single connection otherwise the connection list gets long and messy.

At the moment the only edit history visible to Trifacta users is within each recipe. Some actions are done within flows rather than recipes, e.g. recipe creation/deletion/taking union/etc. Such actions are not covered within the edit history, but for compliance purposes/troubleshooting it is important for users to know when these actions were taken/who by. Please would it be possible to add the functionality to Trifacta to have an edit history on flows as well as within recipes?

Users onboarded to Trifacta cannot be deleted from the GUI, only using API. In the GUI users can only be disabled but they still count toward the licensed users. Please allow users to be deleted from the GUI.

Users to be able to create multiple connections to data lake. Currently user needs to add new data lake path and browse it in order to import data

In our organization we would like to export path to data lake to be enforced and thus user not able to export to any location but a location desired by the application admins.

When output a Trifacta formated date, like a derived year (year(mydate) ) or formatted to mmddyyyy that when it is published to a SQL table that it maintains that format or transformation. Currently putting out a formatted or transformed date is put out to the SQL Table in the input format and all transformation and formatting is lost.

When creating a destination to and SQL table on an SQL server, allow you to set the field length and not use the Trifacta output standard of varchar (1024). This would help keep the maintenance on the table easier.

I would like the ability to specify a billing project for BigQuery as part of run options. Currently, data queried from BigQuery is associated to the project from which a Dataprep flow is run with no way to change it. For customers we work with in a multi-project environment, they need the flexibility to align queries to specific projects for purposes of cost and usage attribution.

Additionally, for customers on flat-rate BigQuery pricing, a selectable billing project will allow users to move queries to projects under different reservations for workload balancing and/or performance tuning.


I started migrating some processes from Desktop to Cloud, but I miss the email customize sending functionality in Cloud. Is it possible?


I would like to send a customized email after a successful execution, but I couldn't find the option to customize the email or attach a file.


If it is not possible, are there plans to implement this soon?


In a large enterprise, one of the perennial challenges is to manage changes to data over time.    The industry is moving towards a shift-left philosophy to handle this by starting to think about data contracts and contract testing.


What does this mean for Alteryx?

Well - if you look at the strategy that DBT is following, each workflow has a defined entry data contract, and a defined exit data contract - so that if anything changes you can immediately tell if you are going to break someone else's work.    This also sets you up for lineage in an important way - if you build in field and data-set level lineage from day zero - then you can look across an enterprise and answer questions like:

- If I remove this field - who will I impact downstream (e.g. other Alteryx users; Tableau dashboards etc)

- Who is using my data - so that I can talk to them about their data needs?    Who do I need to tell if my workflow fails

- has someone upstream of me changed their flow in a way that breaks me?

- Where does this field come from - looking across a series of flows and transformations (critical for regulatory requirements).


This kind of thinking is hard to add in afterwards - so it would be good to build this into the product in these early days so that this becomes a key foundational piece.



When I rename a field in Alteryx - it would be valuable for Alteryx to look at all tools downstream from the select tool and say "Hey - you are using that field - do you want me to clean up the formulas etc".


A field is not just letters in a formula - a field is a logical concept / an object - so it should be relatively easy to inspect everywhere there's a dependance on this object downstream and just clean this up automatically.


This would get rid of all the painful toil of having to reconfigure tools, change formulae, change select tools etc - that can just all go away in a puff of Aidan Magic.