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globalimpactbiz - A Retiree from the Banking and Financial Institution.

5 - Atom

Hi Everyone, I am Banwo Faniyi by name and I am glad to be in the community of achievers. I used to work in the Audit and Control Department of a Banking and Financial Institution in Nigeria before retirement. But frankly speaking, I am not tired. Hence, the quest for new knowledge and skills in Data Science, to become a highly sought-after Data Analyst and by extension a Business Intelligence Developer. I have the passion and hunger to learn the intrigues of my new found love.

ACE Emeritus
ACE Emeritus

Hi @globalimpactbiz,


Glad to have you as part of the Alteryx Community!  What a great story as well!  You will find many like-minded people on the community and many great resources to check out.


Alteryx Community Team
Alteryx Community Team

I love your passion and your attitude @globalimpactbiz. And yes, this can become a love story. What about starting this date life taking some Interactive Lessons and Weekly Challenges



Flávia Brancato