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SUBMIT YOUR IDEAHi! Here my solution :)
Same as @patrick_digan and others, I thought it would be handy to link to the help documentation for each tool, so I added a hyperlink to the tool rank number.
My colleagues and I are doing a walking/fitness challenge leading up to Alteryx Inspire, and I needed to scrape the tool images for our tracking map. Luckily, I had parsed out the help URLs while I was at it, so I had a list ready to go! I did have to adjust a few tools such as the (deprecated) Charting tool (now Interactive Chart).
I converted the workflow to an app, using a Listbox to select tool categories and masking all tools from other categories.
Here's mine (link on tableau public)
As per I struggled with the reporting tools. Outputting the tool icons as pngs made them lose their alignment (and just look awful) So I had to ouput as .htm files and then use Alteryx to create a .bat script that screenshotted google chrome to convert them all to .png. Took some trial and error, but got there in the end 🙂
Like others I struggled outputting my pngs, so I had to output them as .htms and then batch convert them so I could use them in tableau. Here's my interactive output 🙂 Interactivity comes through highlight actions and control over the treemap's size
A lot of work went into this, but not in Alteryx. Mainly to create images and put them in something interactive in Tableau.
My workflow:
Images I created using the solution from the previous week's challenge:
I am not sure whether I can embed the dashboard in this reaction text, but you can try the following URL to see what I created:
The interactive result (including hyperlinks to Alteryx Documentation):
<div class='tableauPlaceholder' id='viz1568906165119' style='position: relative'><noscript><a href='#'><img alt=' ' src='https://public.tableau.com/static/images/99/99_15689060282990/99/1_rss.png' style='border: none' /></a></noscript><object class='tableauViz' style='display:none;'><param name='host_url' value='https%3A%2F%2Fpublic.tableau.com%2F' /> <param name='embed_code_version' value='3' /> <param name='site_root' value='' /><param name='name' value='99_15689060282990/99' /><param name='tabs' value='no' /><param name='toolbar' value='yes' /><param name='static_image' value='https://public.tableau.com/static/images/99/99_15689060282990/99/1.png' /> <param name='animate_transition' value='yes' /><param name='display_static_image' value='yes' /><param name='display_spinner' value='yes' /><param name='display_overlay' value='yes' /><param name='display_count' value='yes' /></object></div> <script type='text/javascript'> var divElement = document.getElementById('viz1568906165119'); var vizElement = divElement.getElementsByTagName('object')[0]; if ( divElement.offsetWidth > 800 ) { vizElement.style.width='1709px';vizElement.style.height='1051px';} else if ( divElement.offsetWidth > 500 ) { vizElement.style.width='1709px';vizElement.style.height='1051px';} else { vizElement.style.width='100%';vizElement.style.height='1127px';} var scriptElement = document.createElement('script'); scriptElement.src='<a href="https://public.tableau.com/javascripts/api/viz_v1.js" target="_blank">https://public.tableau.com/javascripts/api/viz_v1.js</a>'; vizElement.parentNode.insertBefore(scriptElement, vizElement); </script>
Solution attached.