Want to get involved? We're always looking for ideas and content for Weekly Challenges.
SUBMIT YOUR IDEA@LordNeilLord, you are brilliant!!! I am floored by your creativity, and honored by having my own little dashboard :)
Thank you!!
Not the most innovative solution I've ever submitted since I more-or-less borrowed ideas from others for most of it and then re-used parts & pieces from my challenge 97 & 98 workflows... but I at least have a slightly different end product than the (TOTALLY AWESOME AMAZING AWE-INSPIRING) solutions that have already been provided! I borrowed general concepts from @LordNeilLord and @Laurap1228, then took a detour to reach my final destination.
... And as a bit of a personal note on this last submission for 2017... I'd just like to add that it's awfully fun finishing up the year with my 99th challenge, considering I only completed my first one in March!! Truly incredible how much you can learn and grow in 9 short months, just by being involved in this incredible Community. I am so excited about the connections I've made with others, both virtually and in person... and I can't even begin to describe how thankful I am for the amazing career opportunity I was given this year that is 100% due to the skills I've learned from this Community and the connections I made at Inspire. It's hard to imagine how 2018 will be able to top this year... but hanging around with all of you, I just know it's going to be even better!
Thank you thank you THANK YOU to all of you for helping me grow - I love sharing this wild world of Alteryx with you!
Cheers & Happy New Year,
Super Awesome Neil - and useful too
So - there's loads that was interesting and insightful here - some highlights for me:
My approach:
Finally - Poppy (our cat) just wanted to mention that she was exhausted after all the Alteryx-ing that she's done this year. It's been a very busy year for Poppy - what with her first birthday; first celebrity photo appearance at Inspire EU; all the help she gave with the new computer build; and now all these weekly challenges and posing for the picture requested by @TaraM and @LeahK with the bandana! Phew - time to get a quick snooze in!
Here's wishing everyone a little well-earned rest over the new-year (with Poppy leading the way in the resting piece)!
Created my own tableau shape library and then loaded the slightly manipulated data into a tableau dashboard with a few filters.
Ready for the big 100 this upcoming week
Also it doesnt seem to like me uploading the tableau dashboard as a result/sorry