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Challenge #409: Catch or Drop? Predicting Business Outcomes with Randomness

9 - Comet

My solution:

11 - Bolide

9 - Comet



A "drop" means the receiver didn't catch the a dead ball.  A "catch" means the receiver caught the ball and made a play....usually yardage gained, which could be a touchdown or just yards across the field.  If the opponent catches the ball, then it's called an interception.


Hope that helps!

8 - Asteroid

Adding a noise factor to thresholding outcomes can reduce overfitting in classification problems.


However, I couldn't figure out what was the intended implementation of the multiplier. The way I applied it, only the sign and not the magnitude of the multiplier made an impact on the catch/no catch indicator. I'm curious to see how people interpreted the formula from the article.


Task 1: Optimization can depend on the use case, but I thought it was a good idea to combine the 3d6 and scenario generation.

Sort on rand_val and pick the minimum value record by die and scenario. No iterative macro needed!
Fourth input is a scenario count for the row generation.Fourth input is a scenario count for the row generation.
9 - Comet

The instructions were a bit confusing, but I think I got there in the end.  The answer to the "Highest Rated Team using player stats" stings a little bit given how my Packers were eliminated from the playoffs Saturday night, but I'll get over it.  LOL!


Screenshot 2024-01-22 124124.jpg
9 - Comet

My solution.

Considering that this challenge required substantial knowledge of football and sports video games and I probably know less about either than I know about quantum physics, I was sorely tempted to take a pass on this one (no pun intended). I am somewhat surprised, considering the broad international nature of the Alteryx community that American football is used as the example. Anyway, I took my best shot. I have no idea what 90% of the parameters meant, so I just stuck with "overall" for my calculations.
In the future, please try to avoid challenges that require specialized knowledge unless the relevant information can be included in the instructions...
ACE Emeritus
ACE Emeritus

Had fun building out the initial logic - then built into a macro to run multiple simulations.


8 - Asteroid

The flow takes in account of random 3 die rolls which will create a different team output every time (as it should). It took me a second to comprehend how the modifier effects the outcome, but after a quick review understood the negative vs positive values represented a drop or catch. This was a fun one!



18 - Pollux
18 - Pollux

@AYXAcademy  I think this challenge needed a lot more description - the solution provided didn't detail any of this "match up position" nor how to apply the multiplier. Just some feedback because otherwise this was a fun challenge!

12 - Quasar
12 - Quasar

