Join us for our Q2 Toronto Alteryx User Group meeting! We are very excited about providing an opportunity for Alteryx users in the Toronto area to connect, share best practices, and improve skill sets that help maximize their potential with Alteryx.
This meeting will be a working session. Please bring your laptop with Alteryx Designer (trial available here: https://pages.alteryx.com/trial-designer.html).
Agenda (Subject to change):
- Welcome & Introductions
- Parsing Data from a PDF with Shshank Chawathay, Juniper Networks
- Weekly Challenge Activity with Pankaj Kotak, TD Bank & Saravanakumar Sridhar, Corusent
- Intro into Sample Workflows from Alteryx with Shshank Chawathay, Juniper Networks & Simran Dhillon, Air Canada
- Closing & Networking
Date and Time
LocationAlteryx Toronto Regional Office, We Work, 3rd Floor
1 University
Toronto, ON
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