San Francisco Bay Area, CA

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Q4 NA West & Mountain User Group Meeting - Today

Alteryx Alumni (Retired)

Hi Everyone, 


Sorry for the last minute notice, a group of NA West & Mountain UGs will be hosting a meeting! If you have some time this afternoon, they would love to have you!




The NA West & Mountain User Group Leaders would like to bring some holiday cheer to your computer screens! We will be switching webinar platforms and utilize WebEx for this meeting. WebEx will allow 2-way communication rather than 1-way like it has been for the past meetings.


Why are we switching things up? The leaders want to incorporate a hands-on portion and give you the opportunity to work alongside your peers!

Alteryx user groups provide an opportunity for Alteryx users to connect, share best practices, and improve skill sets that help maximize their potential with Alteryx. Whether you are a long time Alteryx user or just getting started, all are welcome to attend!


When: Tuesday, Dec. 15, 2020
Time: 4:30 PM – 5:30 PM PST
Where: WebEx



4:30 PM – 4:35 PM
Welcome & Introductions
4:35 PM – 5:00 PM
Hands-on Activity
5:00 PM – 5:30 PM
Hands-on Activity Debrief & Closing