Portland, OR

Welcome to the Portland User Group

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Our next meeting....

11 - Bolide
11 - Bolide

Happy Monday PDXers!! It's way to quiet in here for starters so I hope all of you are doing well. I was curious to know when we are doing the next User Group and what topics we might want to tackle. I'm looking forward to hearing what everyone has been up to. Until then, have a fantastic day!

8 - Asteroid

Hi, Chris! Yes, we are getting it together! I think we had one or two soft commitments so far. If anyone has a use case they'd like to present, let us know! 


We'll circle back with a details once a meeting is set



8 - Asteroid

Looking forward to the next meeting myself. See everyone there. 

8 - Asteroid

Have any plans been solidified for the next meeting? Looking forward to hearing about what you all have been up to.

8 - Asteroid

@abrasch @chriswilliams41 We finally wrangled a space! October 24th at WeWork Power & Light. RSVP: https://community.alteryx.com/t5/Portland-OR/Portland-Alteryx-UG-October-Meeting-Oct-24th-5-00pm/gpm... 


Stoked to see you and everyone there!