Orange County, CA

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2024 Q2 Meeting Recap

11 - Bolide
11 - Bolide

My apologies for not posting sooner. I have been physically down and out for several weeks. However, I am doing much better now. I wanted to thank you all for participating in person at the Orange County Alteryx User Group on June 27th! I ran solo and here's a quick recap of what I covered during the two-hour session.


  • Presented community updates
  • Performed a tool spotlight highlighting the Summarize tool (thanks to @ddiesel for the slides) 
  • Detailed how to get started with Predictive Modeling featuring the Association Analysis tool.   
  • As always, we wrapped things up with networking and troubleshooting of workflows, apps, and macros. 


This was a tremendous session! We are committed to doing the user group meetings IN PERSON going forward. However, we need to find ways to increase our attendance for our meetings. We are open to suggestions. Is Thursday still a good day to do these meetings?


Our next meeting is tentative scheduled for Aug 22nd. Same bat time (4-6pm), same bat place (Alteryx HQ). If you like to do a customer spotlight and hands-on activity, please let us know! Most importantly, tell your friends about this group. Have a great day!




Deborah Diesel, Enrique Javier, and Chris Williams

11 - Bolide

Hi @chriswilliams41,

Just joined the group. I'm in LA county but am planning on driving down. Looking forward to meeting everyone. Thanks for organizing and glad you're feeling better. 

11 - Bolide

In person is the absolute best! Thursday afternoons work for me (obviously) but I can be a little flexible. I'm fortunate enough to have my work be flexible for stuff like this. I'll make more TikToks about it, try to spread the word to my 72 followers :)