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Cal State Fullerton Student Showcase - Send in your workflows!

6 - Meteoroid

For students in my 404 class at CalState Fullerton!


We've had a great semester with Alteryx, with 22 of you passing the Alteryx Core Certification and another two or three within one or two points!


A challenge is afoot!  Alteryx loves CSUF's enthusiasm for their platform, and many of you have created some fun workflows.  Some of you are working on your workflows now for the Final Presentations coming up.  So how about a reward for a job well done?


Here's the challenge (but it is limited).  Students can only submit for one category, and only one award per student:


The first 3 students to submit an accounting-related workflow will receive a $100 gift card each!  Here's what you do:

A.  Identify what you were trying to do with your workflow

B.  Take a screenshot of your workflow

C.  Post a comment about how this workflow helped you (did it give you some useful information?  did it help minimize the time you spent finishing your project?)  or - be creative with your comment!


You are all working on projects that involve non-accounting-related workflows for the final project.  So,

The first 10 students to submit a non-accounting-related workflow will receive a $100 gift card each!  Here's what you do:

A.  Identify what you were trying to do with your workflow

B.  Take a screenshot of your workflow

C.  Post a comment about how this workflow helped you (did it give you some useful information?  did it help minimize the time you spent finishing your project?)  or - be creative with your comment!


Or, if you have used Alteryx before, create and post a challenge that can be used by other students!


Let's see if we can tap into the total of $1,300 right away!  I'll be notified when you post to this thread!


5 - Atom

With this workflow, I was trying to input information contained on 13 sheets of an excel file regarding the investment activities of Berkshire Hathaway. I then organized the data into quarters and prepared it for analysis. Lastly I created several tables for analysis to write a report on some of the more interesting changes in stock holdings and found why Berkshire Hathaway changed their holdings the way they did.


This workflow helped me by neatly preparing and organizing the data for a quick analysis. It allowed me to visualize trends and I was able to research why certain changes occurred  with the help of Alteryx. Without utilization of Alteryx it would have been very hard to try and organize the data in a way to easily understand trends.


Thank you Alteryx :)

5 - Atom

With this workflow, I was trying to clean the data from Berkshire Hathaway's past 13-F documents. I tried to make visuals to understand the data through bar charts and tables within Alteryx. This allowed me to see when they are and aren't buying stocks. 


Alteryx enabled me to learn about the data quickly and had reliable transformation techniques to manipulate the data to show the highest performing quarters for Berkshire Hathaway. This project saved me tons of time through the fast utilization to change the data. In addition, it helped me understand what was going on within the data and see what companies they are focusing on. Furthermore, I was able to spot some weaknesses within my Alteryx skills. From now on, I will use the dynamic input to make the workflow more concise. Finally, Alteryx is a great way to understand and clean your data to identify trends.


Thank you Alteryx for making such a fun and reliable program.



Nicolas Pibernus

8 - Asteroid

Student Name: Javier Sutanto

Class: TH 7PM


A.  Identify what you were trying to do with your workflow

> Warren Buffet is one of the greatest investors in history. Our project aimed to clean the extracted data (Berkshire Hathaway) from the SEC website and provide a quick analysis of the stocks that Buffet had sold or buy. However, the data from the SEC website was very messy and disorganized. Thus, we need to clean the data by using Alteryx.

> The purpose of this workflow is to clean the data, combine them together, and visualize them. It would be time-consuming if I had to clean it without Alteryx. Alteryx made it easier to clean and combine the data because of some of its useful tools. 

a. Cleaning the data

Some cleanings that I had to do were: removing the blank rows/ null columns. One of my favorite tools was Data Cleansing. It allows me to remove some things that I don't want in the workflow (null columns and leading whitespace)

b. Calculation

There are some helpful tools in Alteryx that allowed me to do calculations. One of my favorite ones was the Multi-Row Formula. Although it was an advanced topic, the Multi-Row formula allows me to find the % change of value per share compared to the previous quarter.

c. Join the data

Without Alteryx, a user had to manually copy and paste the sheets into one sheet if they wanted to combine the data. However, Alteryx had a tool called "Join", which made my work more efficient when joining data from 12 different quarters into one data.

d. Viz

Although Alteryx is mostly for cleaning the data, the Viz helped me to provide some quick analysis for the data. One of my favorite tools was Table. The table looks so nice as I can integrate that with Sort. Because of the sort and table tools, I could easily spot which companies that had a decrease in shares.

B.  Take a screenshot of your workflow

Berkshire Javier.png

C.  Post a comment about how this workflow helped you (did it give you some useful information?  did it help minimize the time you spent finishing your project?)  or - be creative with your comment!

> The workflow helped me a lot to clean and integrate the data. Imagine if I have to do without Alteryx, it would take me more time. Also, the feature that I like about Alteryx is the ability to group my workflow in bins. The bins allow me to organize my workflow. If I had to do in the PowerQuery, there's no way that I could group my workflow based on what I wanted. 


In addition, I'd like to say thank you to the Alteryx community. The support from the Alteryx community is tremendous. I asked questions about the things that I did not understand. They replied to me very quickly and wanted to help (even though we don't know each other and I did not pay them). Without help from the community, it would be hard for me to finish the project.

5 - Atom

Kelsie Scott


I did my workflow on something I can use for my Masters thesis! We are using a large data set to draw conclusions on if school district sizes. 

The original data set 103,000 lines containing every school in the United States. I first sorted it by CA schools, the sorted it by high schools. The I summarized it by counting the number of high schools in each zip code. I finally sorted the number of high schools in each zip code by greatest to least leading me to find out that Fairfield, CA which is a city located between San Francisco and Sacramento has the most number of high schools in district with 11.  This made analyzing the data set very efficient and easy to do rather then counting each line by line for 103,000 lines. This took 10 minutes vs forever doing it manually!  Alteryx is  great tool to organize and sort data out! I will continue using it for my Masters Thesis Data Sets. I have attached the workflow and new file I created. 

5 - Atom

Screen Shot 2022-04-28 at 12.39.30 PM.png

This workflow is super simple. I previously extracted data regarding Berkshire Hathaway's 13F info from the prior 12 quarters. Each quarter is on a different sheet in the same excel doc. Each tool container starts off with a "text input". The text input it used to upload a specific sheet (quarter) within the Berkshire Hathaway excel doc. The next step  was renaming the columns and to do this I used the "Dynamic Rename" tool. For step 3 I used the "Select" tool to remove unneeded columns. This brought me from 12 columns down to 4, so it definitely cleaned up the data. When looking at the output from step 3, you could see that there was still unneeded data in the first row. To get rid of this, I used the "Sample" tool and set it to skip the first row. This got rid of that unwanted data that was in the first row (step 4). Step 5 consisted of using the "Formula" tool to add two new columns. The first column I added was a "volume" column and I did this by creating the formula 1000*[Value (x$1000)] (Value (x$1000) is the column name). The second column I created was a "Price per Share" column and I created this by using the "Value" column that I previously created and I divided it by "SHRS or PRN AMT" (name of column). This was the last step within each quarters tool container. All four quarters per year were placed in the proper years tool container. You'll see that there is a 2019, 2020, and 2021 tool container and each has four smaller tool containers, one for each quarter (2020 has five because of one amended 13F that was extracted previously). 

For the years tool container, I used the "Union" tool combine the data from all quarters within that year. I was able to use the union tool because all of the data was similar and easy to combine. After the union tool I used the "Summarize" tool to make it easier to see exactly how many shares Berkshire Hathaway has in a specific stock. Instead of there being multiple rows for each company, there is only one that shows the totals. I finished the workflow by using the "Browse" tool and the "Output Data" tool. The browse tool basically re-summarizes everything and makes it easier for someone to browse through the data. The output tool is what was used to get the final product back into excel. The combined data from all four quarters per year was placed onto its own sheet within a new excel doc I named "Finished Alteryx Project.xlsx" and I also made it so that the sheet name was changed to the corresponding year. So the 2021 data is on the sheet named "2021". 

Looking at the screenshot of the workflow one might think that this might have taken me a long time to complete because there are so many steps and tool containers, however, that is not the case. I simply copied and pasted each tool container and the steps within it stayed the same. I just went through and made sure to change the sheet within input tool to the sheet regarding the correct quarter and I changed the sheet in the output tool to sheet for the correct year. 

The overall goal was to input the data, clean up the data, combine the correct quarters, and create an excel doc with the data for the correct years. This workflow helped me learn the proper steps to complete this task and I know it will help me in the future.

5 - Atom

With this workflow I combined data sheets on North America and South America. I organized data using tools like the sample, filter, and select tool. After I organized that data, I wanted to join all of the data together using the union tool. After that I realized that there was still some data to add in, I added the data and further organized it. Then I used the join tool to merge all of the data the way I wanted. Finally to make it easier to read, I used the output summary and browse tool.


This workflow helped me gain a basic understanding of a variety of tools. I also learned how to organize data in a variety of different ways. I also learned of the many different applications of Alteryx. This workflow showed me the versatility of Alteryx and I am excited to learn about it some more.


Thanks Alteryx!



5 - Atom

With my workflow, I used it to clean up the data from BerkshireHathaway 13-F,  I was able to organize my data into quarters, and years. From this I was able to see the changes in investment that BerkshireHathaway over the last 13 quarters. 


At first, the data was in a huge data excel sheet, with Alteryx I was able to clean up and sort my data. I arranged the data by quarters, then by years. Once I was able to do that I was able to visually see the changes in investment holdings that BerkshireHathaway had over the years. Alteryx made it super easy to sort and clean up the data. 

5 - Atom

A. With this workflow, I needed to take the last 12 quarters of Berkshire Hathaway investment information in excel form and clean up all of the data. After cleaning up the data, I was able to make meaningful information from the data. I created different graphs through Alteryx to find investment trends as well. 


C. The work helped me discover investment trends that would have been next to impossible to find without cleaning and charting the data. I discovered how Berkshire Hathaway navigated through the pandemic. I would have had to spend hours looking at each quarter and comparing them if it was not for Alteryx. 

6 - Meteoroid

The main target of this alteryx workflow is to clean the three-year report data from Equal Employment Opportunity Commission to analyze the job patterns for minorities and women in different industries. The data contains the aggregated lines from county to national levels. Therefore, these aggregated lines were removed easily using the Filter tool in Alteryx. The necessary columns such as race, sex, and job were added by using the table called Variable for the PUF Dataset. Because of 

EEOC's commitment to protecting data confidentiality, certain variables were not reported. Therefore, this workflow has helped me to find the unreported portion of the race, sex, and gender by county and two-digit sector code. This workflow only takes less than 3 minutes to get the cleaned data output. Using Alteryx has saved me so much time for this project as I could keep track of all the steps I did. I could always go back to change and revise my workflow whenever necessary. Thank you Alteryx for making data cleaning easier and fun.

Win War Tun

Thur 7pm class

We’re dying to get your help in determining what the new profile picture frame should be this Halloween. Cast your vote and help us haunt the Community with the best spooky character.
Don’t ghost us—pick your favorite now!