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Inspire | Buzz

Ask questions, connect with other conference attendees, and share your experience.

Training Videos

12 - Quasar

Does anyone know if the training sessions will be available on demand after Inspire? 


Some of the content (quite a lot of it!) would be really useful to have access to after the event.

7 - Meteor

@FláviaB Any update to the Inspire training data sets? Thanks.

Alteryx Alumni (Retired)

@Altusr1  You can find all the Inspire 21 training videos, workflows and datasets here: 


If you are looking for a specific session you can browse on our Index, just look for the Inspire 2021 tag on the Topic column: 

7 - Meteor

@ThalitaC Thanks very much!

7 - Meteor


Hello - On the video index page, there is only three videos as it relates to Inspire2021 - Did we remove all the other videos from this link?

I am looking to see the videos about the macros - iterative including. Thanks.