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Inspire 2018 | Buzz

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Inspire 2018 Breakout Sessions

Alteryx Alumni (Retired)

In case you haven't checked out the Inspire events page in awhile, the Agenda is now live!


Get a head start on planning your Inspire adventure to decide which sessions you want to attend – remember, they’re first come first serve, so you’ll want to get a seat before the room fills up!


Breakout Session Tracks



Visit the Inspire Agenda page for a full breakdown of sessions, both by track and level (Beginner, Intermediate, Advanced)

life-altering.pngFEATURED SESSIONS | Community Track NEW


Tuesday June 5th


Altering the Culture of Analytics with Community

9:45 AM - 10:30 AM

Every good story starts with "once upon a time, an ordinary person had extraordinary outcomes from inspiration, hard work, and execution." The Alteryx Community provides the perfect environment to gain proficiency in analytics and problem solving. This session will feature a panel of our top contributors, solution authors, and star achievers who have some pretty impressive tales to tell. You'll hear first-hand how their contributions have helped them build strong teams, grow their businesses, and catapult their careers. Get ready to be inspired and learn how you can make your own success story a reality.



CEO & Founder



VP, Global Community, Alteryx



Senior IT Trainer 


Alteryx Tips & Tricks: Alter Your Flow

Inspire18_tipstricks.png11:00 AM - 11:45 AM

Join us for the 8th edition of the always popular Inspire Tips and Tricks! Come ready to be dazzled with time-tested, new Alteryx gems crowdsourced from our community of Alteryx experts and get set up for success. We will cover everything from workflow design, organization and optimization to our best time savers. If you happen to have a trick or two up your sleeve, this will be the right place to show it off.



Sr. Supervisor, Customer Support Engineering, Alteryx



Principal Support Engineer, Alteryx



 Customer Support Engineer, Alteryx


Alteryx BUILD — Innovation Demos

1:00 PM - 1:45 PM

The Alteryx Community celebrates innovation across our dynamic ecosystem of talented trailblazers and supports many opportunities for our members to push the boundaries of our platform. Join this session to be surprised and delighted by the best and brightest projects from our inaugural Alteryx BUILD hackathon, and other recent innovative advancements from Community members.



Sr. Program Manager, Community Content, Alteryx


Alteryx for Good: Innovating the Future of Analytics in Academia

2:00 PM - 2:45 PM

Alteryx for Good is helping to advance the academic data and analytics curriculum by providing Alteryx software in the classroom. In partnership with university professors, we're shaping next-gen analytic skillsets for students by fueling their innovation to succeed with Alteryx. Join us for a unique session where you will collaborate with education game changers to share your insights and ideas to empower the next generation of analytic enthusiasts.



Sr. Manager of Alteryx for Good and University Relations, Alteryx





For the Users, By the Users: Alteryx User Groups

3:15 PM - 4:00 PM

Have you ever wondered if there are other Alteryx users in your area and how they leverage the platform? In this session, hear from successful Alteryx User Group leaders as they discuss the perks and powers of their local User Groups. The session will be delivered in 2 parts: first, best practices and tips to take back to your own group to ensure success and sustainability; and second, we will put practice into action, as we host a live user group meeting. Be ready to participate, and don't miss what these fearless leaders have planned.



Analytics Practice Manager



Insight Director



Customer Analytics Specialist



Market Solutions Specialist



Senior Systems Analyst


Wednesday June 6th


So You Think You Can Alteryx?

9:30 AM - 10:15 AM

We've altered America's favorite quiz show for the Alter.Nation! Community members will join teams to answer a mash-up of Alteryx trivia by demonstrating their Alteryx skills and analytic insight in game-show fashion. Think you can go toe-to-toe with the Alteryx elite? Then, step up and drop some knowledge! If spectating is more your style, sit back and enjoy the show while you learn from and mix with Alteryx Community celebrities.



Sr. Consultant, Business Solutions



Creative Director, Alteryx


ProductTrainingInspire18.pngWeekly Challenge — The Thrill of Solving Together

10:45 AM - 11:30 AM

Every Monday, our savvy training team posts a tricky problem to solve using Alteryx. Our online Community members clamor to be the first to solve it, and in some cases, they may solve it many times over. In this session, we'll tackle the week's challenge in teams so you can fulfill your squad goals of summiting the peak of the week. Expect to learn a few new skills by collaborating with others. We'll raise the stakes with games and surprises. Now... are you up for the Challenge?



Business Analyst



Sr. Learning Strategy Manager, Alteryx


Alteryx: The Great Escape

12:45 PM - 1:30 PM

You have 45 minutes to escape! Step into our story and race against time to complete your objective and escape. Challenges that you'll face could include using Alteryx to find hidden objects, solve riddles, interrogate players, or decipher maps and puzzles that will engage your senses. If you have a keen eye, a sharp brain, competitive spirit, and a good team (we'll set you up), you just may escape!



Creative Director, Alteryx



Account Manager, The Information Lab



Consulting Analyst, The Information Lab



Data Analyst, The Information Lab



Consultant, The Information Lab




Expand Your Universe: Behind the Tools of Dev SpaceDEVSPACE.png

2:00 PM - 2:45 PM

Learn from Alteryx SDK experts and hear from users who have leaned on the Developer Community to build awesome tools. Whether you're just getting started or determined to master the latest and greatest advancements, now is the time to get into the code with those who've done it before. You won't want to miss this hands-on session to get even deeper data insights by extending Alteryx.



Sr. Database and Systems Developer



Sr. Program Manager, Community Content, Alteryx



BI Developer & Analyst



GIS Specialist


What do you think? Register now to save your seat. See you in June!

7 - Meteor

is there an excel copy of the breakout sessions?




11 - Bolide

@LeahK Has the agenda builder gone live yet?  Just want to make sure my team didn't miss out on an email as we're about halfway through the month!  Thanks for your help!

Alteryx Alumni (Retired)



The Agenda Builder for this year's conference will be available exclusively through the Mobile App, which is scheduled to go-live later this month. Please note, that adding sessions to your personal schedule within the app does not guarantee you a spot.  Seating onsite will be on a first-come first-serve basis.


We will post a Mobile App guide on the Buzz, as soon as its available. Registered attendee's will also receive an email with instructions. 





We do not have an Excel file with all the breakout sessions at this time. You can however, browse all available sessions on the Inspire Agenda page.

16 - Nebula
16 - Nebula

Hi Leah,


Am I interpreting your response correctly in that no attendee will be able to "register" for a breakout session, as we did in past years (guaranteeing us a spot)?  All breakout sessions are completely first come/first served this year?



20 - Arcturus
20 - Arcturus



We have the same understanding.




Alteryx ACE & Top Community Contributor

Chaos reigns within. Repent, reflect and restart. Order shall return.
Please Subscribe to my youTube channel.
16 - Nebula
16 - Nebula

I'll have to cut out of my 3:15 - 4:00 session a bit early then to make sure I get there early for yours and Chris' session - sounds like it will be a lot of fun!