Inspire 2017 | Buzz

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Inspire 2017 sessions available on-demand!

Alteryx Alumni (Retired)

Missed Inspire 2017?


For your convenience, we've included all of the available presentation recordings & slides below for your review. Sessions were offered in five separate tracks, designed to deliver insights and education for multiple parts of your organization.




Business Leader Track
Designed for business leaders who use analytics to drive organizational change and improvement, this track featured a range of customer speakers and industry experts. Watch the replays to explore topics as varied as how to become an analytics-led organization, improve customer engagement through Big Data, and make strategic decisions with predictive analytics. The Business Leader track will help you become an analytics leader in your organization.


Featured - Driving Enterprise Engagement with Alteryx

@TZChandler, Marketo

View the slides


Mylan - A Prescription for HR and M&A Analytics Success

Watch on YouTube  |  View the slides


GCI - The Last Great Data Race

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Southwest Airlines - The Points are the Point

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Panel Discussion - Creating an Analytic Culture

Watch on YouTube


Werner - Driving Organizational Change for More Meaningful Insights

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Mastercard - Using Alteryx to Drive T&E Compliance: Priceless

Watch on YouTube  |  View the slides


Art Institute of Chicago (ARTIC) - The Art of Analytics

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Celgene - Curing Analytic Woes

Watch the video |  View the slides


Autodesk - Constructing Actionable Data and Analytics from Disparate Systems

Watch the video  |  View the slides



Data Analyst Track
Led by data analysts from our customers and partners, the Data Analyst Track was all about real world experience. Watch the replays and learn directly from the experts about how to turbo charge your current skill set. From best practices and how-to's to expert panels and case studies about customers' use of Alteryx to solve specific problems, the Data Analyst Track at Inspire will 'inspire' you to try new ideas and help you get the most from your analytics investment.


Featured - Self-Service Fuzzy Matching

@DultonM, MedPro Group

View the slides


Polaris - A Logistics Data Revolution

Watch on YouTube  |  View the slides


Universal Orlando Wrangles Survey Data with Alteryx

Watch on YouTube  |  View the slides


Doing More with Less: Accelerating the BI Roadmap at

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Optimizing the DELL|EMC Global Service Force using Alteryx, Tableau, and... Lemonade

Watch on YouTube  |  View the slides


SCL Health - Is There a Doctor in the House? Joining Healthcare Data to Track Doctor-to-Patient Episodes

Watch on YouTube  |  View the slides


Breaking Barriers: Overcoming Implementation Challenges to Gain Deeper Analytic Insight at Intermountain Healthcare

Watch on YouTube  |  View the slides


The Fraud Game: How the Staples, Inc. Global Loss Prevention Investigations Team Competes Against the Digital Fraud Industry


The Road Most Travelled: How Redbox Optimizes the Largest Retail Network in the U.S.

Watch the video  |  View the slides


Overcoming a Crap Rap and Mishap with a Recap and Heat Map

Watch the video  |  View the slides



Alteryx ACE Track
With passion and determination, Alteryx ACEs demonstrate not only their mastery of Alteryx, but also have a willingness to share their knowledge with the rapidly expanding Alteryx community. In this NEW track for 2017, ACEs shared their use cases, advanced tips and tricks and expertise around core Alteryx capabilities, from predictive analytics to spatial analytics, and more. Network and learn from some of the best Alteryx users in the world in this track designed for hardcore, advanced users.


Featured - ACE Panel Session 

@MarqueeCrew, @jack_morgan@patrick_mcauliffe, @Treyson


Featured - Techniques for Handling Data from Excel and Other Messy Unpredictable Files



Best Practices for Moving from Ad-Hoc Analysis to Enterprise Production

Watch on YouTube


From customer list to retail expansion strategy. All you need is Alteryx with Spatial and Data – Some Assembly Required.
Watch on YouTube


Scraping Web Data with Alteryx

Watch on YouTube


Jason & Steve's Excellent Analytics Adventure: Building a Culture of Self-Service at JPMorganChase

Watch on YouTube


Tips and Tricks for More Performant Data Blending

Watch on YouTube


Global Climate Change Case Study: Tips for Achieving Better Data Comprehension

Watch on YouTube


Rapid Fire Design Tips for Using Alteryx in a Team Environment

Watch on YouTube


Tips & Tricks from an Alteryx Ace: Deploying Apps and Reporting to the Alteryx Gallery

Watch on YouTube



Technology Track
Get the details on new Alteryx technologies and hear about exciting product updates directly from the Alteryx team that developed them. The Alteryx Technology Track will be your deep dive into topics from basic data blending tips and tricks to more advanced topics such as predictive and spatial analytics, and server deployment considerations. 


Featured - Unlocking the Secrets of the Alteryx APIs and SDK


View the slides


Featured - Alteryx Tips and Tricks: An Interactive Session


View the slides


Rediscover Alteryx — and Fall in Love all Over Again

Watch on YouTube  |  View the slides


Autopilot Equals Analytic Freedom

Watch on YouTube  |  View the slides


Master the Essentials of Data Prep and Data Blending

Watch on YouTube  |  View the slides


It's All About the Scale: Deployment Considerations for Driving Enterprise-Scale Analytics

Watch on YouTube  |  View the slides


The Workflow Whisperer

Watch on YouTube  |  View the slides


Deep Dive into the Download Tool: Tips for Extending Alteryx Connectivity

View the slides


Getting to the (Location) Point in your Data

Watch on YouTube  |  View the slides


What's in that Alteryx Predictive Install?

Watch on YouTube  |  View the slides


Mind the Data Gap: Amending your Data for New Insights

Watch on YouTube  |  View the slides


The Art and (Data) Science of Data Cleansing and Quality

View the slides


Predictive Wrappers Delight

Watch on YouTube  |  View the slides


Location, Location, Location: Discovering Advanced Spatial Functions

Watch on YouTube  |  View the slides


Information Discovery. Governance with a Business Twist

Watch on YouTube  |  View the slides


Making a Small Job Out of Big Data With In-Database Connections

Watch on YouTube  |  View the slides


Building Blocks for a Successful Culture of Self-Service Analytics (patrick nussmaumer)

Watch the video  |  View the slides


For more detailed descriptions of the sessions, please visit the Inspire 2017 events page.


Attached are the raw files I used in my presentation. I hope to make a post soon with improvements and greater detail. Thank you!

Alteryx Alumni (Retired)

Awesome! Thanks for sharing @Joe_Mako!


Attached is the workflow I used in the Self-Service Fuzzy Matching presentation! It's an Alteryx Zip file so the Fuzzy Match Master macro and all of it's pieces are also contained in the attachment. Just open it with Alteryx and choose 'Import'.

17 - Castor
17 - Castor

:-) thank you, thank you, thank you!


I'll send this to my whole team now - really fantastic that you made this available - and a good weekend alternative to catching up on the next season of Game Of Thrones (gonna be a VERY tough decision this one...)
