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Grand Prix Use Case Vote: We need your help!

Alteryx Alumni (Retired)

Community, the Grand Prix is a few weeks away and we need your help. The 3 final racing teams will complete a use case project and present their results at Inspire as well as on the Community on June 6th. But, before they can start working on their projects we need you to weigh in and help us complete the use case! Voting ends at 5pm PDT on Monday, April 17th!


Here is the use case:

You and your BFF Manny are planning a "foodcation." You both have some preferences that you want to consider as you determine which city you want to visit.


Your main preference is that you hate waiting in line to eat. You believe that the more restaurants there are per capita in a city, the shorter the wait time will be.


Additionally, Manny is a vegetarian and likes a wide selection of restaurants from which to choose. He is also a big fan of farmers’ markets. He has traveled to many cities in the past and has rated them. He doesn’t want to revisit a city but would like to go to somewhere similar to his favorites on the list.


Your goal is to recommend one city for Manny and you to visit and the reasons why this city will be best given your preferences.


At the last minute, you and Manny have decided to bring an additional friend. Each friend has a particular quirk that you need to work around. It’s the Community’s job to decide which friend you and Manny should bring.



Your friend Vinh hates sitting in the car. If you choose to invite Vinh, you know you’ll need to find a city that is walkable and limits the amount of time spent in a car.



Your friend Jennifer hates everything about flying. If you choose to invite Jennifer, you’ll need to minimize the negatives of flying.


Community: Please reply with the name of the friend you think should get the invite!


Grand Prix.png

Former Alteryx, Inc. Support Engineer, Community Data Architect, Data Scientist then Data Engineer
8 - Asteroid

Vinh! Invite Vinh!

8 - Asteroid

I'm voting for Jennifer

8 - Asteroid

let's reduce our carbon footprint and invite Vinh!

6 - Meteoroid

Jennifer - a few cocktails on the plane and she'll be finnnnnnnnnne.

5 - Atom

Jennifer is my vote.

17 - Castor
17 - Castor

I vote for Vinh. Drive times are great, but many of us who work with spatial analytics use them all the time. Finding a creative way to integrate other forms of travel could provide a more unique challenge to the Grand Prix.

17 - Castor
17 - Castor

As someone who's never flown on a plane, I'm going with Jennifer!



20 - Arcturus
20 - Arcturus
I can't resist!!!!

Is it a United flight?
Alteryx ACE & Top Community Contributor

Chaos reigns within. Repent, reflect and restart. Order shall return.
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11 - Bolide

Jennifer! Only because she's so much like my colleague @patrick_digan whose never flown on a plane!