Bracket busted? No worries, it's time for the Alteryx version of March Madness!
For the next two weeks we will host our own tournament here on the Alteryx Community and you do not need to know a thing about college basketball - just about Designer tools. Voting can be found on the side of the Designer and General forums for the first round.
Special thanks to the ACEs for their help in curating matchups and sharing favorite/least favorite tools!
Which tool do you predict will be champion? Any matchups you found particularly difficult to pick a winner? Was your favorite tool included in the first round matchups? Sound off below!
:-) votes are in - and I'm super curious about how this comes out (especially given the PolyBuild vs. Header)
Round 2 - voted!!
Round 3 is about to begin, help select our final four! Polls can be found on the side of each discussion forum (same location as the previous round).
It's finally time for the Alteryx March Madness final four!! I've posted the bracket here, the match up is Transpose vs Action and Download vs Record ID. Polls can be found on the discussion forums and will be live until April 4!
I never would've imagined that these would be our final 4 at the beginning of all this!
My jam (Dynamic Input In-DB) is in the NIT this year (again) so I'm hoping Action pulls off the upset.
Does anyone have cliff notes on what happened in previous rounds? How did Download beat Select? Select is the Duke of Alteryx tools.
I expect the download tool to win.
RecordID tool for the win !
We've made it to the final round! Transpose and Download made it to the Championship!