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Alteryx - How did you all begin?

5 - Atom

Hello fellow Data Science users,


I'm currently in the process of obtaining my license for Alteryx from my data science accounting class. I know typically most of you on here are pure Data Analytics majors, however, I'm still curious of how you all started! 


Therefore, how did y'all:

- Start learning alteryx

- what educational background are you

- Are you in the data science career already or are planning to be soon?






13 - Pulsar

Hi @RainierPasalli 


The best place to start is going through the onboarding program that Alteryx provides. You can navigate to it via the link below:


Onboarding Resources - Alteryx Community


Once you've completed onboarding, I'd recommend going down the "Get Started" Learning Path found here Getting Started Learning Path - Alteryx Community - its quick and easy and will get you familiar with basic functionality within the tool! 


From there you can start looking at the micro / core certifications and hone your skills by completing weekly challenges are even engaging with community posts like this one!


Best of luck !! 

17 - Castor

Hi @RainierPasalli 


To answer your specific question, 

- Start learning alteryx

Came across as one of the tool used in my current organization and wanted to learn.

While learning I found that we do have Alteryx certification. Usually certifications helps to prove how efficient you are with that tool.

So cleared until Core Designer and targeting for next level.


- what educational background are you

Masters in Business Administration


- Are you in the data science career already or are planning to be soon?

Not in to data science completely, planning soon.


Below will be useful if you are new to Alteryx.


Break into 2 parts:

1. Go through all the tools in Tools Palette and their usage/limitations.

2. Also request you too practice as much as possible with Challenges before taking up the exam.

Answering 80 questions in 2 hours for Core Designer will be ending up in time crunch.


As nowadays most of the companies have started using Alteryx in future it will be like one of MANDATORY applications like Excel.


All the best for your exam. Welcome to the Alteryx community.


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