There are so many great discussions happening on the Community. We love highlighting those with a data science flair over on our Data Science Portal, your one-stop shop for data science blog posts, podcast episodes and discussions.
We’re excited to spotlight some of the most active, thought-provoking, useful, and/or just plain entertaining data science discussions here. It’s amazing to see the variety of data science questions presented for the Community’s collaborative problem-solving powers!

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Python and Juptyer Notebooks
This question from @jeffv about using Jupyter Notebooks in your workflows through the Python Tool sparked some interesting discussion about the possibilities of using the new Jupyter Flow Tool. That tool was introduced in one of our most popular blog posts of the last month! Check out the conversation to learn more about how using Jupyter Notebooks in your workflows is now easier and better than ever, and share your experiences. 📒
Handling Data Frames Within and From the Python Tool
It’s great to see Community members jump in to help each other with the details of code and troubleshooting! This discussion, sparked by a post from @knozawa, provides a good refresher on how data frames need to be handled within your Python code so they can be output with your expected results into your workflow. Specifically, there’s a good reminder here about managing global and local variables. The conversation is also a model of collaboration and sharing of resources! 🌟

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Introducing a Handy Time Series Macro
We have lots of discussion of time series tasks on the Data Science Portal. If you’re an aficionado of the TS tools, check out this macro by @DavidSta that will help you quickly generate the actual timestamps for mysteriously named time periods in your series. The macro is in the sample workflow attached to the post. Just one tool can make your daily life with data so much easier. ⏰
Cocktail Conversations
And one quick reminder … our Data Science Mixer podcast also offers opportunities for conversation! Check out each episode’s show notes page for a starter question, and contribute your thoughts and experiences. Here’s the most recent one. It’s a great chance to participate in the show and learn from others in the audience.

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Thanks to everyone who participated in data science discussions this month! Keep the data science conversation going by visiting the Data Science Portal often. Looking forward to seeing you there!