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Coventry-Northampton, UK

Welcome to the Coventry-Northampton User Group

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2020 Q1 Meeting

ACE Emeritus
ACE Emeritus

Welcome back everyone,


Our meeting is in the diary with speakers ready to go however we do have a space for an additional speaker, could this be you? I am putting some feelers out for some topics but I think it would be great to share within the community what you do and what you are up to. Use this chance to boost those presentation skills.


We will hear from Simon Prior on his journey to excellence and Tim Rains nail biting Grand Prix. So cannot wait to see you all on the 24th get your thinking caps on about the groups 2020 goals and what you would like to achieve this year.


If you would like to present, please let me know here or on the registration form.


All the best, 




Q1 2020 Alteryx User Group Meeting 

ACE Emeritus
ACE Emeritus

We have only gone and secured the amazingly talented ACE James Dunkerley (@jdunkerley79) to come and talk to us about Advent of Code and how using Alteryx at BaseA is a really great way to test your knowledge of what is possible with Alteryx with some fun examples. So sign up now and get yourselves strapped in for a great session.


Thank you James! 


See you soon! S*

ACE Emeritus
ACE Emeritus

As promised the deck is attached, apologies I didn't take any images this user group, not sure what was wrong with me, as I am normally all over the visually representation of a great time together.


I will also write up our 2020 Goals in another chat, so that we can track them.


Thank you all for your attendance it was a fab session.


See you next time.


