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@VojtechT  Thanks for the reply. Upgrading is my next battle. I'm not on the IT side so I do not have visibility to the server side but is upgrading easy and relatively painless as far as having to re-do workflows, macros, etcetera?


@VojtechT, good to know that 21.3.4 is a hard requirement. then I will stick to the V1.1.1 version.

about the other question

do I understand correctly that you actually did provide the Client ID, Tenant ID and Client Secret values, but when your wf is saved, those values are not present? 

Yes I provided the V1.1.1 tool and later the V2+ tool variant with a Client ID, Tenant ID and Client Secret. after checking the saved WF it was gone. hence my Question if it was even tested because this is some unexpected behavior and that this, in my opinion, should not happen when tools are released and this bug (if it is a bug) should be found by testing the tool 


Hi @MartWClimber ,

the 21.3.4 is really a hard requirements, because it relies on a piece of code that is not present in the 21.3.3 Designer. 

And for the first question - yes, it was indeed tested. Do I understand correctly that you actually did provide the Client ID, Tenant ID and Client Secret values, but when your wf is saved, those values are not present? 



@MartWClimber Following above discussion. I'm experiencing a similar issue with tokens not being saved, but with  tool version 1.0.4 on Alteryx 2021.2.
In my case, the internet browser login tokens are saved with the workflow, until i run/open the workflow on a different computer/server, then the fields are blank and i need to manually reauthenticate. 


What is the limit to the number of Document Libraries read within a Site and is it possible to override the limit? If there is no limit, what is the reason that some Document Libraries would not be read?





My goal is use my workflow to overwrite a tab of an Excel workbook stored in Sharepoint.


I am using version 2.1.0 of the SharePoint Files Output in Designer 2021.4.  I appear to be authenticating properly, as I can select the XLSX file in the configuration.


I do not see the option "Overwrite (Sheet)"



Trying "Append", I am am unable to get new content into the XLSX file.  I have tried both providing the name of a tab that does exist, and a name for a new tab.


Anything I should try?


I just installed the latest version that is available for the sharepoint files tool (2.1.0).


I have admin rights on my pc, so, my thinking is that this message relates to something else. Im connecting through the "sign in via internet browser" option. What admin access is required?



When I connect through "Connect to url through windows account", I am getting the following error.


Failed to connect to SharePoint
Failed to connect to Sharepoint. Check the provided information and try again.

Error Code 403



When I connect through "Connect to url through username and password", I get this error.


Failed to connect to SharePoint
Failed to connect to Sharepoint. Check the provided information and try again.

Error Code 401


I have full access to the lists I am trying to access.


Can someone give me some clues as to that might be missing in terms of the access?


Thank you.


@franc1s , I had to get the IT team here to help with the sign on through the browser and it took some working out; the SharePoint permissions have to be set appropriately.


Dear @AlteryxProducts ,
The SharePoint output tool seems to overwrite a file in all circumstances, even when the dropdown box is set to append or rename. The circumstance in question is one where there is a SharePoint output tool working within a batch macro that reads a sheet in a local workbook that has many sheets and saves that data in an identical file on SharePoint. It sits within an ETL procedure. Please advise.


@ben_hopkins @franc1s can you tell me what exactly IT team had to do in order to resolve the "Need admin approval" error. I'm also facing the same issue and I would like to know the reason for this before explaining this to IT team.


Hi all, 

I am trying to connect to SharePoint Files Input Tool through "Sign in via Internet Browser". No matter how many times I click on connect nothing happens, I also tried other authentication methods none of them work. Pls help!


@vickyblueice --


Make sure you aren't blocking pop-ups. That happened to me.







Unfortunately, I can't, as it was IT who worked through it. All I know is that they had to 'allow' access to SharePoint on the SharePoint side. I suggest you involve IT as soon as possible, if you can; if not, get in touch with your Alteryx Support directly.







I've just installed the sharepoint files and connected via internet browser which enables me to select the file I want to import, however, I get the following error when I try to run it.






@VojtechT Does the Sharepoint Files Input tool  have functionality like the Directory tool to pull multiple Excel files from the same directory (folder in SharePoint)? I am hoping to find a workaround to replacing a mapped OneDrive shortcut tied to my user account since updating to UNC did not work. Ultimately, I want other users (who do not have Designer) to be able to run the workflow. However, I am stuck and getting errors when running in the Gallery / server. Any other ideas?


I can answer this: yes. Like the directory tool configuration, the SharePoint Input tool would read a list of filepaths from a folder and its subfolders then those filepaths would be run through a batch macro's control parameter into another SharePoint Input tool that would input the actual data. This can be done for Excel files with multiple sheets in the same way. 


Incidentally, the SharePoint output tool works the same: a list of output filepaths can be fed into the SharePoint output tool and the output tool will save those to the various locations.




Just gonna try again, as this was not answered previously.


I'm using version 1.0.4 of the tool and server version 2021.2

Authenticating with "Sign in through browser" which works. I can save the workflow on a fileserver, reopen it on the same computer, and run it without having to reauthenticate.

If I then login to my server, and open the workflow with notepad, the access and refresh token / metadata for the tool is there, but when I open the workflow in Alteryx, I can no longer see it in the tools XML. Its like the tool has reset and it requires my to re-authenticate/sign in through browser. 


Upon opening the workflow, and looking in the XML editor (not the tool specific xml), the access/refresh token is also there, but as soon as I click the SharePoint tool, it asks me to reauthenticate, and the tokens are wiped from the xml.. 

If I try to save the workflow on the gallery and schedule it, I get the "failed to authenticate" error, which is consistent with the tool resetting when opened on a different computer/server than what initially authenticated it. 

Can you please advise?


The questions around accessing sharepoint through the tool seem to cause many of us headaches in a corporate environment. I believe this needs to be addressed soon. In fact, for us it is a mayor obstacle in the further deployment of Alteryx.


@GloriousWater to get this tool to work on the Alteryx Server, the process I follow is to log in to the computer that the Alteryx Server is installed on (in our case, this involves accessing the Microsoft Virtual Machine via Remote Desktop) configure the workflow and authenticate the appropriate SharePoint connections, including those within batch macros, then save the workflow and packaged macros to the Server. Saving from the computer where the Server is not installed has always caused the 'failed to authenticate' error.


@franc1s is right, some assistance from @AlteryxProducts @VojtechT is long overdue. Nevertheless, Franc1s, your post from three weeks ago is solvable. The problem is that SharePoint is not authenticating the app connection. I have been through it myself by working with the administrators of the SharePoint instance to ensure that connections made by the Alteryx app are allowed. After they had made the appropriate changes at their end, the authenticator has worked excellently. 


@ben_hopkins Yeah, so I was lowkey hoping that I would not have to manage all workflows going to utilize the sharepoint input and reauthenticate them every x months for every user out there :) 


@GloriousWater It is difficult working with Alteryx. I think the main thing is that this isn't "official" functionality of Alteryx at this point  - in that it isn't included in the base product. We all have to be prepared to carry quite a lot if we want to get the software to the point that we're all hoping for. 


Hi @GloriousWater , I am completely with you. That's why the next version coming in 22.2 supports DCM, so the tokens are re-used and stored separately from the workflow, so once it expires, you can actually re-authenticate just once and that's it.  


Hi @PeterAP , that error seems like something got wrong during installation. Can you remove the connector from Appdata\Alteryx\Tools - all folders with "Sharepoint" in them and install the connector again? 


Hi @vickyblueice , that sounds like combination of incompatible versions of Designer and the Sharepoint Connector. Please check . 


Hi @franc1s   and @Rahul3 , 

usually  this dialogue comes with input field to provide a justification and button "submit" to send request to your admin to approve the app. But that is happening only when the app is not approved yet. When that happens, only the subset of permissions required for that particular connector are approved. 

So next time you use different connector using the same oauth app, it's not asking for app approval anymore, but it requires some new permissions to be approved, but the screen doesn't provide the Submit request button anymore. 


There are 2 ways how to fix this: 

1) the easiest way is to let your Azure/Security admin log in via the "Have admin account?", e.g. via Remote control during Teams call. 

2) The other option is to ask your Azure admin to go to -> Enterprise applications -> find Alteryx Analytics Connector and add the permissions the connector requires manually and grant them for the whole tenant. The permissions required are listed at each connector's Help page. The Delegated ones are sufficient. 


Hi @QuantumViridis , is it possible that you have multiple versions of sharepoint connector installed and for some reason this is not the latest 2.1.0? You can find out by investigating the xml of the workflow. 


Hi @mmonzon , we tried to replicate the issue, but are not successful - when we create a View filtering records and then select the View in the Sharepoint connector, we do get the results set limited only to the filtered ones. Could you please raise this with Customer support at ? 


Still new to Alteryx. I installed the current version, realized my Designer is not compatible with it. So I downloaded and installed the 1.1.1 version. However, the SP File O/P version remains v2.1, the SP FIle Input version is now v1.1.1.


Any ideas how I can use SP FIie O/P v1.1.1?


Hi @mranade  - if you have multiple versions of a tool installed, you should be able to right click on the tool after you've dragged it onto your canvas.  From there you can choose the version of the tool.  See sample screenprint below:




Dear @AlteryxProducts,

The SharePoint output tool seems to overwrite a file in all circumstances, even when the dropdown box is set to append or rename. The circumstance in question is one where there is a SharePoint output tool working within a batch macro that reads a sheet in a local workbook that has many sheets and saves that data in an identical file on SharePoint. It sits within an ETL procedure. 


Is that normal behavior?


Kind regards,



I think Alteryx needs REALLY to get their act together on this Sharepoint connectivity. From the comments here it's obvious somebody has missed the boat here.

We've been at this for at least 12 months - and it's still not working for us as we were assured, with every new version of the base & connector tools. It's hard to fathom how a regular (non-IT) user can get any sense out of this. It's getting pretty bad press.


To be fair - we are working OK with the latest Designer (ver. 2022.1.1.30961) AND a Sh. 'BETA' connector (ver. 2.2.0) - through a browser authentication.

However, we are not connecting from our Gallery server (latest version as of 22-AUG-2022; ver; 2022.1.1.30961 ); which DOES NOT use browser authentication & the DCM connectivity is not working; We're still not getting the message through. Our Azure support has stopped talking to us, ...I wonder why;

It's a shame with so many versions being released over the last year or two. It was to be expected with so many acquisitions something is bound to suffer in the regular products lifecycle..

We are only interested in reading excel/csv files & writing them back to the Sharepoint site; Is that too much to ask? 

Everybody is sick of the way Azure authentication works but we cannot get away from it.

I suggest that rather than working on some exotic datasources connectivity hardly anyone uses (at least not in the corporate world), Alteryx needs to concentrate on Sharepoint and such.

Best wishes.



Hi Alteryx Team!  I have download & installed the SharePoint Files Output Connect vs 2.1.0.  For Connection I am using Tenant ID, Client ID & Secret.  My Designer is running 2021.3.4.00445 and the Gallery Server is running 2021.3.4.  My workflow runs without error using Designer.  When I publish to the Gallery and run it from there I get the error:


I have attempted to search for this specific error in relationship to writing files to SharePoint and can not find any references.  My workflow reads records from a database and writes them to the SharePoint (in Designer), nothing fancy.

Thanks in advance for any assistance you can provide.



G'Day Jan, this seems to be a typical error (the same we have with our Gallery) caused by authentication method between server & Sharepoint. The fix offered by Alteryx is to edit machine registers (both the desktop used to create & deploy the WF as well as the Gallery).This is something we will never be allowed to do due to our security policies. On top of it users don't have the admin rights to make any changes to machine the register file.

Many of the 'add-on' connector tools (including the Sharepoint File Input) are 'Python-based'. There is a guideline explaining how the edit is to be done; I have a link to where this is available from if it fails contact your Tech Support person and request '..Python_Encryption_Registry_Key_ChangeGuideline..';


I couldn't get the registry key solution to work when Alteryx suggested that approach. I upload any SharePoint applications directly from Alteryx Designer on the Server machine after the SharePoint tool has been authenticated from there. 


@AlteryxProducts @VojtechT Is there any way the SharePoint Output tool can output to an Excel file with multiple sheets? 


I gave up using this tool and decided to use a workaround just because this tool is like opening a can of worms from configuration p.o.v., and fighting red tape in my team. 

To anyone who cannot do with a workaround:

1. install the tool.

2. get proper security permissions from sharepoint admins.

3. register the tool to your organization's Azure account. This might be a whole big process in itself depending on the size of your organization. You might need some extra security previledges. 

4. after the tool is registered, you can get the tenant id and client id for your sharepoint site. work with Sharepoint admins to get these.

5. finally you can test.


G'Day mranade,


we did all that (items 1 to 5) that's not our issue. Designer connectivity works OK (the Browser as well as the OAuth2 authentication methods). The problem is with our Gallery Server connectivity, there the authentication uses different method and Sharepoint refuses the connection with not much of an information provided.... Mind you we have the latest versions of Designer, Server, ver. 2022.1.1.30961 as well as the connector (ver. 2.2.0 currently it's still labelled as Beta). Alteryx is making their mind whether or not this connector actually works with the Designer only or also the server & the DCM (Data Connection Manager feature, which as they say will not require registry edit), which was the intention. Problem is that the development & support don't share the latest until there is issue raised by clients and the clients are getting conflicting information. We have offered to be the 'guinea pig' (for a real enterprise environment testing) too many times but they never took up the opportunity..

@AlteryxProducts  I am getting the following error when trying to install the tool for both v2.1 and v2.0.1. It looks like I am getting a partial install, and 3 of the 4 tools are getting added to Designer. Only the Sharepoint Files Input is missing. However, that is the key tool that I would like to use in the workflow. 





I have gone into AppData/Roaming/Alteryx/Tools and deleted the Sharepoint folders and attempted to install again and get the same errors. When using the Sharepoint Files output tool, I am able to connect to sharepoint, but when running the tool I get a "Fatal Error".


I have also deleted the SharePoint folders and relaunched Alteryx and the tools are still available and I can still reconnect them to Sharepoint.  




Got an error with python


File "", line 15

No module named ayx_pytohn_sdk


Doesn't it just use the embedded python in Alteryx?

If you just can't import a tool easily, at least some guidance would be appreciated. Not everyone is admin on their machine either.



I'm not sure if this would solve your problem but this is what helped us..Our versions are Designer 2022.1.1.30961, the connector (ver. 2.2.0);

First, you will need to install the connector while running the Designer 'As Admin'. 

Then the Sharepoint site (the Office365 version in our case) needed some additional config done by the Azure Admin, even though I was the owner of the site.

Check this.. go to the Sharepoint URL. 

Then….Site Contens / Site Settings / Site app permissions; Over here Alteryx needed to be added Azure Admin (Client ID), the application identifier.

Afterwards, we are able to access the site (from the Designer) both via the Browser Authentication as well as using the OAuth 2 authentication methods.

Hope it works for you.








I have a list in our SharePoint



But, when I read the list with the SharePoint Files Input, I don't get all the columns


As you can notice I get 4 of the 7 columns in the list. The columns that the tool cannot read are the columns that start with a special character.


I appreciate the help to read all the columns.



Emmanuel Solano


Are other tables, with no special characters read OK? Try updating the special character column with a regular character to see if it is picked up. Otherwise another code page might also help. If not this may be a bug, I would report it to Alteryx Support. Cheers.

Hello, does anyone encounter a 'Maximum recursion depth exceeded while calling a Python object' error while using the alteryx sharepoint input tool? how did you modify and get this to work?


My previous problems accessing sharepoint seems to have been resolved by the latest version of the sharepoint input tool released on September 9. I previously wasn't able to download any files from sharepoint, it now seems to work.


I'm not sure of the difference between Sign in Via Internet Browser or Provide Client ID and Secret, and Tenant ID, but Sign in Via Internet Browser worked straight away. If anyone could explain in further detail, I'd be grateful.


However, I'm having a similar issue to @Esolano . I have "N/A" in some of the cells in an excel workbook and this is coming out in Alteryx using the Sharepoint Connector as "nan". I thought that the "/" might be a problem, but there are "/" in other columns where separated by a space either side which are coming out correctly... Can anyone help?




Hi PeterAP.

There certainly is a big difference in the authentication method you select in the Sharepoint input tool configuration options.

The Browser auth. method will only work locally on the Designer (allways authenticating the user executing the WF). This will not work if the WF is shared via Gallery Server. Such workflows need to have another method used. The other downside is that if you want to share your workflow with others via the local machine (Designer) it will not work for them unless they have the same connector installed on their machine as well. With the arrival of the new DCM Connectivity feature there are couple of more options (a Service Principal or Custom App). We have been using the later one successfully on the Gallery Servers, ie. sharing with multiple users users. Similar options/setup exist now with the ADLS connector (Azure Data Lake). Maybe others as well but we have validated these two.


May I know why there is no connection options 'Provide Username, Password and URL' and 'Connect to URL with Windows Account' after installing the SharePoint Tool?


Below are the versions that I am using:

  • Alteryx Designer - 2022.1
  • SharePoint - 2019 Server
  • SharePoint Tool - 2.2.0





Hi all,


I am getting the following error with the following configs. Can someone please advise on how to fix this issue?



Thank you!


G'Day kduong1,

you may want to check the Designer & Sharepoint tools compatibility (SW versions)..

Did the tool installation completed correctly?


Check the local folder for the user where the connector tools are installed..( C:\Users\USER\AppData\Roaming\Alteryx\Tools );

There is also a log folder (which if connectors are correctly installed) a runtime info is logged.. (C:\Users\USER\AppData\Local\Alteryx\Log\pythonsdk.log.... );





Thanks @Franz - I was able to resolve the above issue.


But am now receiving the following error. Can anyone advise?



Thank you,


Dear kduong1, that's a strange one..


Looks like you are joining two tables from one (two Sharepoint sites..?). Same or different ones?

(UNion tables from same Sharepoint site should be no problem I have done that);

Can you access the Sharepoint URL site (s) & the incumbent tables used as input (!) from your browser at all ?


It's not clear whether or not this is a DCM category connection to the Sharepoint. That's the other (new) option for data connections including the Sharepoint, we use that successfully.

If yes, then there are some user settings that need to be done on the Designer (& also on the Gallery Server); Which is it ?


I'd suggest to contact Alteryx Support. With the later Designer versions (ours is 2022.1.1.30961), there is now option to create a 'Support File' (Help/Generate Support File); That will give Alteryx support some context to work with. 


Pls. update the thread once you get it resolved.