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Boston, MA (New England)

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Alteryx Swag Alert! - Visualizing NY City Pickups

9 - Comet

Hey Boston,


  Show off your Alteryx skills and enter our contest to win Alteryx swag! Create a report using Alteryx reporting tools and the Alteryx Weekly Challenge, #351-Uber Pickups in New York. We have provided other datasets to enrich the data as well. Make sure to include the answer to the challenge in your design! We will select a winner prior to our event on February 2nd. As not everyone will be able to attend the event, an in-person and virtual winner will be selected. Enter now for your chance to win!


Contest Details:

  • Get started with Challenge_351_start_file_desktop_user Alteryx workbook (included)
  • Reporting tools will need to be used to create a snippet of your overall report
  • The report must include the answer to the challenge (This does not have to be daily but can be aggregated by Borough)
    • Get creative, include some charm, highlight an insight, or add other elements to set your report apart from the rest!
  • Save your workflow as an Alteryx Workflow Package (In Alteryx designer - Options > Export Workflow)
  • Include the packaged workflow and snippet to this post to be entered into the contest
    • Be sure to include your name / email contact (if virtual) 
    • Be sure to register for our user group meeting here. 
  • Make your submission by Jan 31!

Winners will be selected at our Alteryx User Group on the 2nd of February. Don't worry if you cannot attend, we will select a winner from both in-person and virtual attendees.


Need some help getting started? Check out the Alteryx weekly challenges (Search Reporting - for some other use cases of reporting tools in Alteryx)

Have additional questions? Don't hesitate to reach out to your Alteryx co-leaders!

5 - Atom

Used Designer Cloud for the first time - couldn't resist! When will the classic Designer Desktop UI go live in cloud?