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Resources required to support Alteryx environment

5 - Atom

Hi all,

How many number of IT resources are required to support Alteryx environment eg: To manage change tickets and manage incidents. How do we determine the effort here.

9 - Comet



It will be depending upon multiple factor like below:

- How many Landscapes you have/ if its multi node landscape?

- How many users are actively using gallery to publish workflows and schedule?

- What are all activities handled by team (Licensing, Backups, Upgrades, access etc)


So If its a simple single node landscape with few users 1-2 people can administer it.

and no. of IT resources will go on increasing with increase in above factors.


Please DM me to get idea on our team structure.

7 - Meteor

Adding 2 more points like based on Problem Management and Solution Management criteria can consider tooo for Resource Plan