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Alteryx Bangalore User Group Meet Q2 2019 Recap- Here's what you missed

11 - Bolide

The Q2 meeting of the Bangalore Alteryx User Group was an occasion when we all got together and celebrated the power of Alteryx and shared our learnings and experiences.


This session was organized at the Useready office and they were the perfect hosts and very thoughtful in providing all the facilities. Thanks to the Useready team for their help and support. They were also sponsors of gifts that were given to the contest winners( Read till the end to know what it was).


The event started at around 3:15 giving folks a few minutes to overcome one of the biggest traffic challenges in Bangalore( Silk Board - Bangalorians all across the globe would clearly know about this). After the introduction of the leads and the Agenda shared with the audience, we had updates from the community. All the updates from the Nashville Inspire and the timelines for the upcoming London Inspire were shared.


Then we had the presentation from Ruhi, who shared with the audience about Women of Analytics platform inside of Alteryx and in general. This session also witnessed some important points from Pallavi Gaur from CRG.


We moved to the next agenda point which was an interesting training session by @Anviksha0110 and @Manjunath kickstarted the training with an interesting analogy about Thanos and the Marvel Universe while sharing key concepts about data and Alteryx with the audience. Anviksha also brought in a great amount of interest by explaining corporate scenarios where analysts would implement Alteryx tools like Transpose, Summarize and many more. This session was very interactive in nature and was very well appreciated by the audience.


Post this we had a presentation on Alteryx For Good by @palakjindal who spoke very passionately about the changes she was able to make as part of visits to Sai Krushna Charitable Trust and Sneha Homes. She also highlighted the importance of understanding the charity's mission to understand the true emotion and deliver what is best. She also highlighted the impact the Excellence Award has made to the charity.


Followed by this we had a fun contest in line with the theme of "Back to School" organized by Anviksha. She had planned out a session of Tic-Tac-Toe where 2 teams competed fiercely to win and answer most questions using the limited time that was provided to them. The questions were also very unique because she was able to get questions about the User Group, tools in Alteryx and also about some lesser known facts about Alteryx.


We also had a rapid-fire face-off between the best from each team by quizmaster @ydmuley. @stj1120 and @pramodhps were nominated from the teams and they made the contest very interesting for everyone with their razor-sharp answers and their cool attitude in critical moments. Pramodh won the contest and Sreenivasa had to contend with the second place.


The goodies were distributed by Shridhar, Head of India Operations, Useready to the winners and the best answers from the team members. Pramodh got a brand new copy of "The Practitioner's Guide to Alteryx" which is an in-house creation of the team of consultants at Useready and probably one of the few books available for folks to learn Alteryx. We also @DeekshaRao77 who is an Analyst at Useready explain to us what goes into creating such literature and the next version which is coming soon. 


The last part of the session was the networking session which went on for quite some time. There were lots of ideas discussed how we can make future meetings better and also about some new initiatives that we can take up. For us, as User Group leads, it was very heartening to see the amount of interest that folks had for Alteryx and the future that beholds us.


On that note, here's a video collage that we think capture the essence of the event.



Till next time,

Happy Alteryxing.


7 - Meteor
Well worded write up Subrat!! Truly is a thorough recap for the folks who missed 🙂
12 - Quasar
12 - Quasar

Thank you @SubratDas5 very well written.


It was a great meeting for sure. Thank you all the arrangements you did.


Already looking forward to the next meeting.

Yugandhar Muley (Yug)

Alteryx ACE | Alteryx For Good India Lead | Bengaluru Alteryx User Group Lead
5 - Atom

Although i missed this meet.... I wanna join the next warm-up meeting...

Please alert me or subscribe me once your next meet-up is fixed.

Thank you.



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