I've called in a few favours and taken over the Alteryx Blog (well being an ACE has to have some perks!) in order to announce a very special "Alteryx Community" meet-up being organised by the Alteryx Community members for anyone at the Tableau Conference in Las Vegas next week.
What is it?
This informal gathering is the first time a significant number of users from the new Alteryx Community will have been in the same place, so some of us thought why not meet up and start putting some faces to those handles and avatars. It's a chance to get together for some general networking with other Alteryx and Tableau users - as well as a few Alteryx ACEs and Zen Masters - while enjoying a few drinks (basically it's a chance to just geek out over a beer!).
When is it?
On Monday 19th October 2015 from 6pm until 7pm (during the Welcome Reception).
Where is it?
We'll be in the Expo Hall where the Welcome Reception is being held, we'll probably find a place near Bar Chart but you won't miss us - see below.
Who is it for?
This is for attendees of TC15 who are either using the Alteryx Community already, interested in using the Alteryx Community in future or who just want to find out more about Alteryx or the Alteryx Community.
How do I find you?
I called in a few more favours and found out that Alteryx will be giving away t-shirts outside the Expo doors between noon and 3pm on Monday, and so please grab one and wear it for the meet-up so we can spot you and you can spot us. Monitor the #alteryxmeetup hashtag on Twitter or check at the Alteryx Booth if you need more information on the day.
Let us know you're coming
It'd be great for people to say hello in advance, so join the community and say Hi: http://community.alteryx.com/t5/Welcome-to-the-Alteryx-Community/Alteryx-TC15-data15-Meetup-Roll-Cal...
See you next week!
Chris Love
Account Manager & Trainer at The Information Lab, Alteryx ACE, Tableau Zen Master
Chris makes data make sense at The Information Lab. Chris Love has an extensive background in data analysis spanning over 10 years. Prior to joining The Information Lab in January 2014 he worked at Experian Marketing Services as a Global Development Team Lead, managing three groups of data analysts using Alteryx and MS SQL Server and helping manage the groups transition from SAS. The pinnacle of his career so far came at the Alteryx Inspire Conference in 2013 where, pitted against nine other Alteryx super-users, he totaled the best time overall to become the first Grand Prix winner outside North America. He won the championship again in 2014.