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many AlteryxEngineCmd on the task manager

8 - Asteroid

We have setup to run only 8 workflows at a time, not sure why about 20 or so AlteryxEngineCmd  is on the task.

Is it the workflows are not getting completed or is it like a leak on the process 

14 - Magnetar
14 - Magnetar

@srajapandian  How many workflows are being run and how many are in queue when you have 20 procs running?

8 - Asteroid

we have setup to run 8 workflows, could be more in the queue - about 40, when the task manager had around 20 atleast.

14 - Magnetar
14 - Magnetar

If any of the workflows are chained, it's possible that some are expected but it does sound like a hung process.

How often are you rebooting the machine?
In my experience it's good to have a scheduled weekly reboot on Windows servers.

8 - Asteroid

Thanks for the response. 

We have it scheduled to restart once a week.

We still needed to restart in between sometimes because of these hung processes.

I restarted yesterday and already there about 15 at least process 


14 - Magnetar
14 - Magnetar

Sounds like it's time to send in a ticket to support so they can dig in deeper.