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Unrestricted Mode in Gallery

Recently I tried to run a workflow on my [Private] Gallery that used the Output Tool to write to an excel network drive (I have access to that drive from the Server). However, it threw up an error because my Gallery was set to Safe-Mode - my understanding is that it needs to be set to Unrestricted to allow writing to a directory that is not in the the applications default working directory.


I changed the mode to Unrestricted and tried the script again, but I got the same error saying that it was a Safe-Mode Error, even though I went through the entire Server configuration up to the "Done" screen which I believe restarts the Gallery application. And when I went back to the configuration, the default run mode was indeed updated already.

Does anybody have any experience with this, whereby changes in the default run mode didn't look like it took?

17 - Castor
17 - Castor

Hi @AlleghenyAnalyst12 ,


You can also check the workflow settings itself and see if the safe mode was configured manually to this workflow.



Fernando Vizcaino

This issue has been solved for the most part (though my workflow still doesn't work for other reasons).

The setting within the Server Config, is simply for the default run-mode. And I'm ok with the default being in Safe-Mode to limit others from putting in email tools in their workflow. As a curator I can go ahead and change the run-mode of each workflow to Unrestricted manually. Doing this allowed me to run my workflow with the email tool in it.


(However, it still breaks from my Render Tool)


19 - Altair
19 - Altair

Hi @AlleghenyAnalyst12 


What error are you seeing in your Render tool?  You mention that you have have access to the shared drive but the Alteryx server doesn't run with your credentials.  By default it will run with local system i.e, no network access, unless you've set it up to run with a service account that has access.



We setup Alteryx Server to run as an alternate user. And that alternate user, from all the other troubleshooting we've done, appears to have access to the network folder that the render tool writes to. However, when I try to run the workflow in the Gallery, the render tool can't write to network path.

19 - Altair
19 - Altair

Hi @AlleghenyAnalyst12 


Can you post an image of the Render tool error that you're seeing?



I actually made another post regarding this Render Tool specifically. Here is the other post:


Re: Render Tool not saving to path when workflow r... - Alteryx Community


The error is on the image in the OP: "Cannot write to <network path>" (Tool Id: 148)


That <network path> however, is not the path that I set in the render tool. The .pdf file name is correct, but the render tool, when it is uploaded to the Gallery wants to output the .pdf to the staging directory, instead of the directory I specified.