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Snowflake DSII Driver vs. Simba Snowflake

5 - Atom

Hi Alteryx Community,


I have been investigating the "You have found a bug. The pipe has been ended." error message that my teammates and I have been seeing almost every time we run some of our workflows. After reviewing some other community posts, and doing some other investigation, we've found that we have a bit more success with the Simba Snowflake Driver configured instead of Snowflake DSII.


It might be worth mentioning that the SQL query we utilize in the tool that seemingly causes this issue does pull a relatively large data set, ~35 million records.


I was curious to ask if anyone else found the same result when switching the driver they utilized in their workflow, or maybe some other kind of solution to reduce the frequency of the rather non-descript error message?


I may also look into a way to reduce the number of rows that the query needs to pull, like a part 1 or 2 of the query, but sadly I do need a good bulk of those 35 million records for what the workflow is supposed to generate.


Thanks all in advance!

19 - Altair

What version of Alteryx are you on? I've pulled multiples of that on DSII and have never had that issue.

5 - Atom

Hi @apathetichell I'm on version 2023.1.1.361 - I'll also mention that the Simba Snowflake driver has been working significantly better and more efficiently, and in a few of the production parallel testing runs we've done, seen significantly less issues as a result of the driver switch. Just wish there could be more information when the this error message pops up.


What version of Alteryx are you running that you're able to pull 35 million + records with the DSII driver with little to no error? We have to keep our local designer versions as the same version of Alteryx that exists on our server, so I may need to look into updating Alteryx, or increasing the specs of our servers. Thanks!

19 - Altair

2021.4 (!!!!) Real talk - I don't use Alteryx post 2022.3. What's your tracing set at in your driver config? Have you looked at turning on error tracing in your odbc and then increasing log levels and then checking it out to see the messages?


and yup - no error. 150mm. I've been using the DSII driver for 3 years this month and can't think of any errors - and the only issues we've seen here are with running it on ARM Mac chips (not an Alteryx issue). Note - this is all non Server.