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Scheduling an analytic app


Dear Peers!


I have been trying to find a solution for this everywhere but to no avail. So I have a workflow where I am connecting to Adobe Analytics native connector provided by Alteryx. So far so good, but I want data for the previous day's date(For example- on July 14th, I want data for July 13th). I also need that workflow to be scheduled and load data into db everyday so changing the dates is not possible manually. For this reason I used an action in the workflow-



The workflow runs very well when I run it manually as an analytic app as it dynamically replaces the date in Adobe connector with the previous Day formula I have placed in the Action. Now comes the tricky part for me. I need this workflow to be scheduled automatically. As far as I know when this workflow will be scheduled on the server, it will run as a normal workflow and not an analytic app(.yxwz) so my results will not be updated according to the dynamically calculated date but a static date value(I will also need some validation on this from you guys). If this is not possible, then i am searching for a way to run/schedule this analytic app automatically everyday. This app will not need any user input but will take the dynamic dates provided in the formula below-



I have not yet tried the command line option as it was not licensed for my local machine. Also I know there is one more Adobe macro available over Internet which has the option to get yesterday's data but it has limitations of selecting only 2 elements at a time but I need 3 so I am using the native connector.


It would be really helpful if you can assist me in this issue.





@Akanksha999 - you do have the ability to schedule the workflow as an actual app and pass values to it by running the application from the command line; while you may not have it licensed on your machine, the Server machine does. This makes it slightly more difficult to build/test, but it's definitely possible. This help article explains how you can use an XML file to update the parameters of your app. I would suggest building a workflow that dynamically updates the XML for you so you are passing the correct dates.


A couple things to note:

- Make sure the path to the command line is the path on the Server

- Make sure the XML files are located in a location that the Server machine has access to (or the Run As user has permissions to)

Sophia Fraticelli
Senior Solutions Architect
Alteryx, Inc.

I'm running into the same issue. I'm using formulas within the 'Action' tool to enable/disable various branches of my workflow. I realize the original post here is more than 5 years old, so trying to see if there has been a workaround solution created since. I'm running version 2021.3 for both Designer and Server.