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Not seeing new users

8 - Asteroid

Hi all,


I've recently added a few new users to my company's gallery but I am unable to find them as users, I had to search for their private studios to locate them and move to a desired studio, see example below:


I added the user Lucy and searching for it returned no results


 i was able to find her private studio and then move her to the studio I want. Currently this is the only way I can find these users I added (about 14 of them)



Clicking on the user name on the studio brings me to the Edit User page, so the user exists. I was also able to login as the user, download workflows, etc.. but I still can't search for the user.

UnseenUser3.PNGThis is an issue because I have to add the user to a data connection, but since I can't search for them, I can't add them, Anyone experienced this before?


Currently using Alteryx Server v11.3



5 - Atom

I notice same issue after upgrading to 2018.2.


Can you share the procedure to fix it?


Kind regards,


5 - Atom

Hi Stephan,


You probably need to raise a support ticket for this. I've just been on the phone for an hour with support, and they have a workflow which they ask you to run in addition to various cleanup on the MongoDB.


Hopefully you have more luck than we did - couldn't get to a persistent fix. I'll be going back to an old backup. Thankfully this is just our test environment.




Hello @Peter_K and @Stephan_Braun, what you are seeing is a hidden feature for moving Workflows out of a Private studio so that they do not get orphaned. Please see this Knowledge Base Article that explains what is happening.

Stephen Ruhl
Principal Customer Support Engineer