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I have an app on server that has stopped working since upgrading to 2023.1

12 - Quasar

I have an app that uses a drop down list and an action tool to update the sql statement in an in-db tool.


This work fine running the app in designer. It was working fine on server in 2022.1 but since we upgraded to 2023.1 it is not working.


It looks like the action tool is not updating the sql in the in-db tool any more.


Has anyone seen this behaviour and can advise how to fix it?

5 - Atom

Good morning,

We're having a similar issue.  Interactive apps work fine in Designer and when I run the application on server in my workspace.  However when I add the app to a collection, it does not work.


Alteryx Alumni (Retired)

Hi all, I had the same issue and managed to get it working by swapping the Name:Value / Value:Name. This only works if Value and Name aren't identical. If the Value field data is intuitive enough for the user to select from this may be the way forward until the bug is fixed.


Alternatively, if the Value field data is not intuitive as a multiselect field (such as codes), you could potential create an additional filter field in your data that you can use for Value filtering (ie XYZ corresponds to "New York" value, so Value:Name would be New York:XYZ). 

8 - Asteroid

Same here. Please update us with a fix. Have to manually run workflows in designer now because of this.