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Deactivating users in Gallery

7 - Meteor

Will deactivating a user in the Gallery have any impact on workflows owned by that user? I've got some former employees who are listed as owners of some of the schedules and would like to remove them without having an impact on the schedule.


Off the top of my rookie head, I'm thinking that deactivating the account probably disables the schedules they've created, and that I have to recreate the schedules before deactivating the account(s) in order to avoid any interruption of the jobs being run.


But I defer to the wisdom of the experts in the Community. Any info is greatly appreciated!


Hi there


Are you referring to workflows they owned in their personal private studio or a collection?


I don't think the workflows get disabled but if they do get disabled, then download the workflow from that Studio (as a other user), and then re-upload it and re-schedule it.


Going forward I recommend having a Service Account and employees/users having access to that Service Account.  When they leave, you don't need to make any changes to the workflows / schedules on the Gallery.

7 - Meteor

Thanks for the response. In other words, "test it."

And I shall.

7 - Meteor

Scheduled a workflow as a user. Deactivated that user. Workflow gets disabled. Nuf said.

8 - Asteroid

This is problematic as service accounts do not provide security and traceability as to who is performing what actions.  A much better solutions would be to notify the admin when they are deactivating a user with workflows and schedules and allow them to reassign those assets to a different users.