Hi Team,
We are trying to do Alteryx upgrade from 22.1 version to 22.3 version, where we have to run pre-migration tool as mongo db re-encryption happened in this version.Before upgrading to 22.3 we ran pre-upgrade checks as mentioned in this doc https://knowledge.alteryx.com/index/s/article/server-pre-upgrade-checks which went fine.
After running pre-migration tool faced the below error and migration failed.
3;Error Unpackaging app: <Id> Error: The attached file was missing in Mongo: The collection is <AS_App_Chunks.Files>; The Id is <id>
Mongodump we took from 21.1 version from old server and restored it in new server which is having 22.1 version.In new server with 22.1 version after we restored mongodump, server is up and working as expected. Facing issue with mongo migration to later versions.
There are no resolutions/articles available for this kind of issue.
Note: We can't install 21.1 version in new server as the support is already ended for that version by alteryx.
Any help would be appreciated.
@Harshita_Nukala Your sales rep or fulfillment@alteryx.com should be able to get you a prior version exe to revert