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Alteryx IN-DB workflow running time expand when running concurrently

5 - Atom



I have a client having 2 same IN-DB workflows, and one is deployed on Alteryx Server, and one is used by user. They report that it takes 2 hours to finish running 1 workflow, but when 1 workflow run on Alteryx Server, and 1 workflow run on user's Alteryx Designer, the running time will be doubled, meaning it takes 4 hours to finish running. I suspect that the bottleneck is on the database side, since the 2 workflow may interact with the same table to do the operations, so when 1 workflow is operating on the table, the other workflow needs to wait until that workflow finish operation, resulting in increasing running time. May I confirm with Alteryx official if the run time will be increased highly when 2 workflow interact with the same database table? If not, is there any possible reason that cause increased running time? If yes, is there any way to improve the efficiency? For your information, the database they interact is Amazon Redshift so it should not have resource limitation. Thank you very much.

17 - Castor
17 - Castor

Hi @ctwangwang ,


If the workflows are 100% in-DB, I`m positive it`s an issue in your database. I`m not super familiar with Redshift but I know you can lock a table depending on the operation you are performing.



Fernando Vizcaino