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Alteryx Gallery Error After Upgrade Server 2019.1 to 2019.2

7 - Meteor



I would like to inform you all after we upgrading Alteryx Server 2019.1 to 2019.2.

We can access Alteryx Gallery on Browser (localhost/gallery), we found error below :


{"data":null,"exceptionName":"UnavailableException","innerExceptionMessage":"","message":"The system is currently undergoing maintenance. Please try your request again later."}


I'm try to restart AlteryxService and reinstall Alteryx Server 2019.2 but nothing has changed.


The problem is MongoDB on "C:\ProgramData\Alteryx\Service\Persistence\MongoDB". If i delete or rename MongoDB to Mongo_DB and start the AlteryxService, the system create a new one MongoDB Folder and we can access Alteryx Gallery but all the workflows that I have uploaded are gone.


Please help to us


Thanks & regards


Alteryx Alumni (Retired)



Could you try starting the service without renaming the Mongo folder and then share


  • Service log (C:\ProgramData\Alteryx\Service\AlteryxServiceLog.log)
  • Gallery log (C:\ProgramData\Alteryx\Gallery\Logs\alteryx-[latest-date].csv)
  • RuntimeSetings.xml (C:\ProgramData\Alteryx)