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Intel Suite -- How to use PDF Input tool?

13 - Pulsar



I am playing with the new Tex Mining tools in the Intel Suite. 


I am a bit confused on how to setup the PDF Input tool. 


The tool's documentation states:

  1. Add a PDF Input tool to the canvas.
  2. Choose the location of the PDFs. You can do this in two ways:
  3. In the Enter Folder field, enter the full path to a PDF or a folder that contains PDFs you want to bring in. You can also use the Browse button to select a folder.
  4. Use the input anchor to connect a Text Input tool that contains a full path to the folder that contains the PDFs you want to bring in.
  5. Run the workflow to pass the PDF input downstream.


If I set the tool in Step 3 (above), why is Step 4 necessary?  And how do you do it?  I tried just copying the path from Step 3 into a Text Input tool, but no joy.  It produces an error.  


What am I not getting?

15 - Aurora
15 - Aurora

Hi @hellyars, give the attached sample workflow a try.



PDF Input reads the list of pdfs in the folder

Image to Text converts it to text



13 - Pulsar

Cool.  Part of the problem was that I could not get the Learning Path video to run.  It seems it does not like Safari.  It works with Chrome.  The Learning Path video explains everything. 
