Is there a way to calculate the number of weekdays/business days between two dates? I have spent some time searching the internet and the Alteryx Community, but cannot find any solutions to this.
I am not sure if this is the best way to do it but is a way I have tried in the past and think works. Basically a port of the C# code on StackOverflow to an Alteryx formula.
Assuming the two dates are StartDate and EndDate.
First I needed to get the weekday as an integer with 0 for Sunday and 6 for Saturday (just to reproduce .Net behaviour). A simple enough case statement after formatting the Start and End Date:
Switch(DateTimeFormat([StartDate],"%a"), 0, "Sun",0, "Mon",1, "Tue",2, "Wed",3, "Thu",4, "Fri",5, "Sat",6)
Having created a StartWeekday and EndWeekday the business day function is:
1 +
((DateTimeDiff([EndDate],[StartDate],"days")*5 - ([StartWeekday]-[EndWeekday])*2) / 7) +
IIF([EndWeekday]==6,-1,0) +
Attached as a workflow.
Update: There was a typo in the initial version, have corrected it and updated the yxmd file.
Hope it helps
I've uploaded a macro to the gallery here for you to use if you'd like. I've used a similar flow to James but I forgot about Alteryx's DateTimeExport feature, instead I used the fact that 1900-01-01 was a Monday and used the mod of the difference in days to find what day I'm starting on!
I think from then on we did things very similar but for completeness, I found the whole number of weeks by rounding down the number of days between start and end divided by 7 (using the floor() function). From there I found the number of "extra days" i.e. the days that do not fall into a complete week.
Using the zero indexed start day (Mon:0, Tues:1 ...) you are able to see how many non-weekdays in involved, also taking into acount the starting day. If StartDay + Extra Days is less than 4, you have only weekdays, if equal to 5, you must have 1 non weekday, if greater than 5, you only have weekdays.
The macro could have been reduced into one formula but I've expanded it out for clarity.
Ben - BIPB
Another approach, but I think worth showing here, points out the ability in Alteryx to format a date/time into just about any configuration you can think of using the format specifiers.
In the attached app, I use that functionality to format a date as "Monday", "Tuesday", etc. Then all you need is a simple filter tool to take out Saturday and Sunday.
I have also added in the functionality in the app to designate a file for holidays if you want to include that.
Is there any chance you could perhaps upload a 9.5 version? Thanks so much!
That's got it!
Thank you very much...
I like this approach, it's very simple. I'm new to Alteryx, any adivce on how to use this method to calculate the working days between two dates for each record?
I have ~10,000 records. There are two date columns, for simplicity, starting date and ending date. I want to leverage your method to show me the working days date difference for each record.
Thanks for the help!
You just need a formula tool set up with the formula above.
Are you just wanting a weekday count or do you need holidays as well?
If you can post some sample data will put together an example for you