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unable to schedule workflow containing google sheets and in-db connections

5 - Atom

Hey! I have a workflow that has in-db connection (postgres connection) and google sheets input macro. When I run the workflow, it works fine but on schedular it gives the following errors:

'Cannot find macro' for google sheets input tool

'error finding connection' for in-db tool


I am attaching a screenshot here. Also, I am new to Alteryx and have been struggling with this issue for quite some time now.

17 - Castor
17 - Castor

Hi @sunaal_dua ,


Are you running it through the scheduler on the server?

If so, open the workflow in a designer, go to Options->Export Workflow. When you export check the boxes of those assets you wish to package with the workflow, in this case it will be those missing macros.

Publish this exported version to the server.


The problem is the macro exists on your machine or the folder you have designated as the macro folder, but that folder is inaccessible by the server, or the macro folder has not been specified on the server and so it can't determine that macro.


Hope this helps,




5 - Atom

Hey @mceleavey

Thanks for the response

I am using Alteryx Desktop Automation, since I m not using a server... I wonder why schedular is not able to recognise the macro and an in-db connection



11 - Bolide
11 - Bolide

Has there been a solution to the Google Sheets Output tool not working when used with Desktop Scheduler ? 
